Sustainable materials and processes engineering
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Luca Valentini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A004697
Teacher Luca Valentini
  • Luca Valentini
  • 60 ore - Luca Valentini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria dei materiali
Academic discipline ING-IND/22
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1) knowledge of the structures of organic and inorganic molecules most used in the field of nano-devices;
2) knowledge of the main synthesis methodologies for their preparation;
3) knowledge of the structure-property relationships and the techniques for the characterization;
4) understanding the most recent applications and functioning of different devices.
Reference texts Slides posted on the website https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/
Educational objectives The knowledge of functional materials with their multiple properties (eg mechanical, chemical, physical), for the development of smart engineering structures and infrastructures; develop transversal skills that are able to select, design and integrate new materials into devices that are sustainable in terms of costs of the production process, reduction of energy consumption and portability. Finally, the student will acquire an individual ability in engineering "problem solving". Have the opportunity to attend seminars held by experts from both academic and industrial backgrounds to learn about the issues of greatest interest for effective technology transfer.
Prerequisites In order to understand and know how to apply the topics and techniques described in the course, it is not necessary to have taken other exams of the degree course. However, the knowledge required to understand the contents of the course and achieve the educational objectives are as follows:
Mathematical Analysis: derivative and integral know-how.
Physics: notions of electromagnetism.
Materials Science and Technologies: knowing the basic notions of crystalline structures, mechanical properties of materials and fracture mechanics.
Knowledge of these techniques is an indispensable prerequisite for the student who wants to follow the course successfully.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follow:

- Lectures on all subjects of the course;

- Classroom exercises aimed for a correct application of the concepts developed for the resolution of numerical exercises and problems of practical application.

During the course the student is encouraged to work in a quantitative way over all the studied phenomena, using appropriately the involved physical and chemical quantities. This is done through the theoretical frontal lessons and carrying out in the classroom some experimental demonstrations, many numerical exercises and tutorial discussions.
Other information Frontal lessons: five weekly hours with experimental demonstrations and numerical exercises: one or two weekly hours depending on the necessity.
The timetable and Classroom can be downloaded at the Web address of the course of study.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test and an oral test.

The written test consists of the solution of problems/multiple choice tests and/or 1-2 short compositions. The test has a duration of about 1 hour and 30 minutes and is designed to evaluate tha ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the proposed issues, and the ability to communicate in written form.
The oral test consists on interviews of about 20-30 minutes long each one aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program (Nanomaterial classification, transport properties, methods of integration in devices). The oral exam will also test the student communication skill and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.

The final evaluation will be carried out by the Commission by averaging the results of two tests with the following weights: written test, weight = 4/12; oral test, weight = 2/12.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Classification and operating principles of nanomaterials for self-diagnostics: geometry engineering, intrinsically deformable nano composites: elastomer-based nano-composites, classification.
Models of electrical conductivity and charge and heat transport phenomena: theory of electrical percolation and principles of rheology; piezoresistivity and correlation with fracture mechanics in electrically conductive polymer nanocomposites. Alignment effects of nano-fibers on electrical conductivity; law of mixture of composites and modeling. Weibull's theory. Principles of operation of resistive and capacitive sensors.
Surface nanomechanics: constitutive equations of surface instability. Adhesion and cohesion forces: wettability; self-cleaning surfaces. Metamaterials: operating principles. Interactions of surfaces with electromagnetic waves: optical transparency, absorption and photo-chromicity of surfaces. Conductive polymers and their applications in photovoltaic devices.
Processes of integration of nanomaterials in nano-devices: solubility and dispersion; thermodynamics of solutions: solubility parameter, enthalpy and entropy of solutions; chemical and mechanical methods of dispersion; techniques of deposition and characterization of thin films.
Shape memory materials. Classification and characteristics. Thermal properties. Functional materials based on natural proteins, thermoplasticity and bio-adhesives. Outline of biomimicry of organic tissues.


Code A004698
Teacher Alessio Cesaretti
  • Alessio Cesaretti
  • 60 ore - Alessio Cesaretti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Chimica e fisica della materia
Academic discipline CHIM/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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