Study-unit Code
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Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code A000038
Location PERUGIA
CFU 15
Teacher Carlo Fiorio
  • Carlo Fiorio
  • 90 ore - Carlo Fiorio
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Processualpenalistico
Academic discipline IUS/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The purpose of the course is the study of Criminal Procedure from notitia criminis to enforcement of the final judgment.
Reference texts Adorno-Del Coco-Fiorio-Fonti-Maffeo-Mangiaracina-Montagna-Parlato, Corso di procedura penale, Le Monnier, Firenze, 2024.
Educational objectives Good knowledge of criminal procedure.
Prerequisites Knowledge of Constitutional Law and Criminal Law is required.
Teaching methods Lectures, in mixed mode and seminar workshops.
Learning verification modality Oral exam.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program The lessons will focus on the following topics: The Constitutional Criminal Procedure - The Judiciary Sistem - The Law of Evidence - The Coercive Measures - The Investigation System - The Preliminary Hearing - The Special Proceedings - The Trial - Remedies and Reliefs - The Res Judicata - The Enforcement of Judgments - The Companies' Liability.


Code A000038
Location PERUGIA
CFU 15
Teacher Mariangela Montagna
  • Mariangela Montagna
  • 90 ore - Mariangela Montagna
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Processualpenalistico
Academic discipline IUS/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The Constitutional Criminal Procedure - The Judiciary System - The Law of Evidence - The Coercive Measures - The Investigation System - The Preliminary Hearing - The Special Proceedings - The Trial - Remedies and Reliefs - The Res Judicata - The Enforcement of Judgments.
Reference texts Books.
Students for Law Degree
a) Adorno - Del Coco – Fiorio - Fonti - Maffeo - Mangiaracina - Montagna – Parlato, Corso di procedura penale, Mondadori Education, 2024, in corso di pubblicazione.
b) About scientific investigations: AA.VV., L'assassinio d M. Kercher. Anatomia del processo di Perugia, a cura di M. Montagna, Aracne editore, 2013.

2. Erasmus students: Adorno - Del Coco – Fiorio - Fonti - Maffeo - Mangiaracina - Montagna – Parlato, Corso di procedura penale, Mondadori Education, 2024, in corso di pubblicazione: just only some chapters. To know which parts of the book, ask to the professor.

3. For students with a degree in Scienze Giuridiche or Scienze dei Servizi Giuridici:
A) Just only the part about remedies in the criminal trial, in :
Adorno - Del Coco – Fiorio - Fonti - Maffeo - Mangiaracina - Montagna – Parlato, Corso di procedura penale, Mondadori Education, 2024, in corso di pubblicazione;
B) Just only the part about scientific evidence in the criminal trial: AA.VV., L'assassinio d M. Kercher. Anatomia del processo di Perugia, a cura di M. Montagna, Aracne editore, 2013 .

4. For students of EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW of the European Legal Integration Degree Course, BORROWED: lessons will be held in February 2025, the start date will be communicated via the Department Home Page. STUDY TEXTS: Adorno - Del Coco - Fiorio - Fonti - Maffeo - Mangiaracina - Montagna - Parlato, Criminal Procedure Course, Mondadori Education, 2024, in the process of being published, limited to the parts dedicated to Remedies and supranational controls. Further study material will be delivered in class and uploaded to Unistudium Unipg.

It’s always necessary a Code of Criminal procedure.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide an understanding of the general principles and dynamics of the criminal trial, as well as to develop students' ability to enhance and critically analyze the discipline. Basic knowledge students will be able to gain will be:- knowledge of the function and of the characteristics of criminal procedure;- knowledge of the legal framework of the criminal procedure system. The main skills that allow students to apply the knowledge acquired will be:- ability to understand legal texts and case law;- critical thinking and evaluation autonomy in the analysis of controversial exegetic issues;- ability to expose the knowledge acquired, using appropriate technical language.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and to know the topics of criminal procedure, the students must have the basic notions of public law and, in particular, of criminal law.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- lectures will deal with all the issues and problem regarding criminal procedure;
- practical training;
- seminars.
Other information For student DSA see

For students of EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW of the European Legal Integration Degree Course, BORROWED: lessons will be held in February 2025, the start date will be communicated via the Department Home Page. STUDY TEXTS: Adorno - Del Coco - Fiorio - Fonti - Maffeo - Mangiaracina - Montagna - Parlato, Criminal Procedure Course, Mondadori Education, 2024, in the process of being published, limited to the parts dedicated to Remedies and supranational controls. Further study material will be delivered in class and uploaded to Unistudium Unipg.
Learning verification modality The exam is an oral test consisting of a discussion interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language and exposure, what he has acquired. The duration of the test varies depending on the performance of the test .

For Erasmus student the exam is oral.

For student DSA see
Extended program Criminal procedure: analysis of the Constitutional Criminal Procedure - The Judiciary System - The Law of Evidence - The Coercive Measures - The Investigation System - The Preliminary Hearing - The Special Proceedings - The Trial - Remedies and Reliefs - The Res Judicata - The Enforcement of Judgments - The Companies' Liability.
3. Erasmus students: only some parts oth volume --> it's necessary to talk with the professor to choose them. themConstitutional Criminal Procedure - The Judiciary System - The Law of Evidence - The Coercive Measures - The Investigation System - The Trial.

For students of EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW of the Degree Course in European Legal Integration, MUTUATO: Supranational controls and remedies. European Convention on Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights. Analysis of judgments of the ECHR. The instruments of criminal judicial cooperation.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 16
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