Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000103
Location PERUGIA
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Amministrativistico
Academic discipline IUS/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Fabrizio Figorilli
  • Annalisa Giusti (Codocenza)
  • 36 ore (Codocenza) - Annalisa Giusti
Language of instruction
The first module of the administrative law course is focused on a general introduction to administrative law, the study of principles, administrative organization and subjective legal situations
Reference texts
F.G. Scoca (edited by), Diritto amministrativo, last edition
Educational objectives
The Administrative Law course is divided into three modules, devoted to the study of administrative principles and organization, administrative activity and administrative justice. The overall objective of the course is to provide the student with a comprehensive training in the fundamentals of substantive and procedural administrative law and their respective interactions.
Good knowledge of the essential contents of private law and constitutional law is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures accompanied by in-depth seminars.
Other information
Learning verification modality
the examination consists of an oral test; the questions deal with the syllabus as described by the lecturer in the relevant sheet, having regard to knowledge of the subject, reasoning ability, logicality of argumentation and learning of the methodology peculiar to the individual teaching. the duration of the examination varies according to the progress of the test. Generally there are at least three questions related to the three modules of the course. For students with disabilities and/or DSA, guidance offered by the University will be followed. For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program
General introduction to administrative law
- The general principles of administrative law
- The administrative organization
--public bodies
--offices and organs
--the organic relationship
--the organizational relations
--State administrations.
--regions and local authorities
--administrative organization in the architecture of the Union
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The course realizes Goal 16 of Agenda 2030 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" because it is concerned with studying the organization, activity and tools available to public administrations as active players in realizing the goal.

Cognomi M-Z

Antonio Bartolini
  • Antonio Bartolini
  • 36 ore - Antonio Bartolini
Language of instruction
Administrative law: concept and meaning.The historical formation of administrative law. The principles of administrative law. The main elements of the administrative organization. Public administration and administrative powers. Legality and discretion of administrative power.
Reference texts
A. Bartolini, Stefano Fantini, Le ragioni della specialità (principi e storia del diritto amministrativo), Maggioli editore, Rimini, 2017.
M. Clarich, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Bologna, il Mulino, ult. ed. disp., except Capp. XI, XIII It’s necessary The knowledge of l. n. 241/90 in the current version.
Educational objectives
Students will acquire the following basic knowledge: - Birth and Development of Administrative Law - Principles of Administrative Law also in the light of Community law - Subjective figures and forms of accusation - Attribution, competence and legitimacy - The employment relationship of the public administration - identification and classification of administrative powers in the relationship between legality and discretion.
It is required, both for attending and non-attending students, to know the fundamental notions of Constitutional Law and Private Law
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons that will cover all the topics discussed in the program, including the analysis of practical classroom cases.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The test consists of an oral examination; The questions relate to the program as described, having regard to the knowledge of the subject, the ability to reason, the logic of argumentation, and the learning of the teaching methodology itself. The duration of the examination varies according to the evolution of the test.
For DSA problems: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
Concept of administrative law. Historical formation of administrative law and its principles - Foundations of the administrative organization - Organs and offices - Attribution and competence - Work report, office and service report - Administrative colleges - Public administration activities: the foundation And the characteristics of administrative powers, the general rules of their exercise - especially with regard to discretionary powers - the subjective legal situations of individuals in the face of administrative power. Particular attention is devoted to the administrative procedure, its phases and the rules for them contained in l. n. 241/90, until the issuance of the final decision, its possible pathologies and the second degree measures. The main topics of public services and the procedures through which public administrations conclude contracts are then discussed. Finally, the main institutes are connected with the responsibilities of public administrations and public officials
In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, the main problems posed by "emergency legislation" will be addressed.
Principles of administrative justice


Code A000104
Location PERUGIA
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Amministrativistico
Academic discipline IUS/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Fabrizio Figorilli
  • Fabrizio Figorilli
  • Annalisa Giusti (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore - Fabrizio Figorilli
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Annalisa Giusti
Language of instruction
The second module of the administrative law course is devoted to the study of administrative activity, the statute of the administrative measure, its pathology, second-instance proceedings, consensual administration and the right of access. The module is also devoted to the study of the contractual activity of the p.a., public utilities and the responsibility of the p.a.
Reference texts
F. G. Scoca (edited by), Diritto amministrativo, last edition
Part. 3, chap. 1-5
Part 4, Chap. 1-5
Part 5, Chap. 1 and 2
Part 7, chap. 2
Part. 8, chap. 2
Part. 9, Chap. 3 and 4
Educational objectives
The Administrative Law Course is divided into three modules, dedicated to the study of administrative principles and organization, administrative activity and administrative justice. The overall objective of the course is to provide the student with a comprehensive training in the fundamentals of substantive and procedural administrative law and their respective interactions.
A good knowledge of the essential contents of private law and constitutional law is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures accompanied by in-depth seminars
Other information
Learning verification modality
the examination consists of an oral test; the questions deal with the syllabus as described by the lecturer in the relevant sheet, having regard to knowledge of the subject, reasoning ability, logicality of argumentation and learning of the methodology peculiar to the individual teaching. the duration of the examination varies according to the progress of the test. Generally there are at least three questions related to the three modules of the course. For students with disabilities and/or DSA, guidance offered by the University will be followed. For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program
Administrative activity and its discipline
The administrative procedure
The service conference
The administrative measure
The status of the administrative measure
The invalidity of the administrative measure
The administrative measures of second degree
Non-measurable behaviors productive of legal effects
The right of access
The contracts of public administration
Public services
The responsibility of public administration
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The course realizes Goal 16 of Agenda 2030 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" because it is concerned with studying the organization, activity and tools available to public administrations as active players in realizing the goal.

Cognomi M-Z

Antonio Bartolini
  • Antonio Bartolini
  • 36 ore - Antonio Bartolini
Language of instruction
The administrative acts: effectiveness, invalidty and interpretation. Second degree acts. The administrative procedure.
Reference texts
M. Clarich, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Bologna, il Mulino, last edition, It’s necessary The knowledge of l. n. 241/90 in the current version.
Students with disabilities and / or SLD: for any information on the University's services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Department contact person.
Educational objectives
Students will acquire the following basic knowledge: concept of administrative act and its pathologies - second degree acts -identification of the phases and rules of the administrative procedure.
It is required, both for attending and non-attending students, to know the fundamental notions of Constitutional Law and Private Law.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face and remote lessons in accordance with currente University regulations.
Other information
Student reception by appointment with the teacher.
Students with disabilities and/or DSA: for any information on University services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and get in touch with the Department Contact Person.
Learning verification modality
The test consists of an oral examination; The questions relate to the program as described, having regard to the knowledge of the subject, the ability to reason, the logic of argumentation, and the learning of the teaching methodology itself. The duration of the examination varies according to the evolution of the test.
For DSA problems: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
The foundation And the characteristics of administrative powers, the general rules of their exercise - especially with regard to discretionary powers. Particular attention is dedicated to the administrative procedure, its phases and the rules contained in l. n. 241/90.


Code A000105
Location PERUGIA
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Amministrativistico
Academic discipline IUS/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Fabrizio Figorilli
  • Fabrizio Figorilli
  • 36 ore - Fabrizio Figorilli

Cognomi M-Z

Antonio Bartolini
  • Antonio Bartolini
  • Serenella Pieroni
  • 36 ore - Antonio Bartolini
  • 6 ore - Serenella Pieroni
Language of instruction
The administrative controls; the public services; the public employment; the public goods; the public contracts; the public finance.
The accounting administrative responsibility.
The administrative process.
Reference texts
M. Clarich, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Bologna, il Mulino, last edition, It’s necessary The knowledge of l. n. 241/90 in the current version.
Students with disabilities and / or SLD: for any information on the University's services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Department contact person.
Educational objectives
Students will acquire the following main knowledges: the notion and the types of administrative controls. The main characteristics of the public employment relationship. The evolution of the notion of public service between domestic law and Community law; notions and typologies of public goods: legal regime and use between domestic law and community law, The contractual procedures of the p.a. Public finance between domestic law and community law. Concepts and types of administrative liability. General lines of the administrative justice system.
The main skills that will allow the application of the knowledge acquired will be the definitions of the institutes covered, the internal and community law and the main jurisprudential guidelines that concern them.
It is required, both for attending and non-attending students, to know the fundamental notions of Constitutional Law and Private Law.
Teaching methods
Frontal or remote lessons according to the Unipg rules.
Other information
Student reception by appointment with the teacher.
Students with disabilities and/or DSA: for any information on University services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and get in touch with the Department Contact Person.
Learning verification modality
The test consists of an oral examination; The questions relate to the program as described, having regard to the knowledge of the subject, the ability to reason, the logic of argumentation, and the learning of the teaching methodology itself. The duration of the examination varies according to the evolution of the test.
For DSA problems: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
Controls on acts and activities: structure and function.
The regulation and forms of public services:general interest services in European law; local public services.
The public employment relationship.
The discipline of the public goods and of the public property.
The general principles and the field of application of the Code of public contracts (procedures of assignment; execution of the contract; means of protection).
Constitutional principles and European constraints on public finance.
The general lines of the administrative justice system.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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