Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Marco Canonico
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000054
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Marco Canonico
  • Marco Canonico
  • 18 ore - Marco Canonico
Learning activities Affini o integrative d.m.270/04
Area Attività formative in ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi a quelli di base e caratterizzanti, anche con riguardo alle culture di contesto e alla formazione interdisciplinare
Academic discipline IUS/11
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Religion in classical antiquity. The Caesaropapism. Theocracy. The Jurisdictional. The Separatism. The Concordat. Current trends and future perspectives.
Reference texts M. CANONICO, I sistemi di relazione tra Stato e Chiese, II ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
Educational objectives The course aims, through rational reconstruction of the historical experiences, to provide a brief discussion of the types of systems through which they can be structured relations between religious and temporal power, highlighting the assumptions on which they are based and digital systems the practical implications as they produce. The aim is to provide students with the basic knowledge and the critical tools to allow you to properly evaluate and aware of the current issues concerning relations between political powers and religious powers.
Prerequisites For an understanding of the issues in education is useful knowledge of the concepts of historical and philosophical basis.
Remember that, to support effectively the examination of "History of relations between Church and State", students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Law is required to comply with the rules of prerequisites, which require that you have previously passed the exams "Institutions of private Law" and "Constitutional Law".
Teaching methods The course is structured in lectures in the classroom with exposure issues as part of the teaching. They will be organized seminars and tutorials on specific topics and issues of particular relevance.
Other information The information is common to both modules of the "History of Relations between Church and State" teaching.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, are followed the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
For updated information, please visit: http://giurisprudenza.unipg.it/index.php/didattica/lezioni
Learning verification modality The assessment will be made at the end of the course in a collegial way by a single oral examination, lasting a few minutes, consisting of questions to the candidate on the subjects of education, aimed to examine the level of knowledge attained by the student and the degree capacity by the same to deal with in a conscious and rational issues underlying the content of the material.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
Extended program Religion in classical antiquity. The Caesaropapism. Theocracy. The Jurisdictional. The Separatism. The Concordat. Current trends and future perspectives.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the series of lessons if necessary and to take the exam from the first available session after the lessons themselves have ended, therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.


Code A000055
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Marco Canonico
  • Marco Canonico
  • 18 ore - Marco Canonico
Learning activities Affini o integrative d.m.270/04
Area Attività formative in ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi a quelli di base e caratterizzanti, anche con riguardo alle culture di contesto e alla formazione interdisciplinare
Academic discipline IUS/11
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Religion in classical antiquity. The Caesaropapism. Theocracy. The Jurisdictional. The Separatism. The Concordat. Current trends and future perspectives.
Reference texts M. CANONICO, I sistemi di relazione tra Stato e Chiese, II ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
Educational objectives The course aims, through rational reconstruction of the historical experiences, to provide a brief discussion of the types of systems through which they can be structured relations between religious and temporal power, highlighting the assumptions on which they are based and digital systems the practical implications as they produce. The aim is to provide students with the basic knowledge and the critical tools to allow you to properly evaluate and aware of the current issues concerning relations between political powers and religious powers.
Prerequisites For an understanding of the issues in education is useful knowledge of the concepts of historical and philosophical basis.
Remember that, to support effectively the examination of "History of relations between Church and State", students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Law is required to comply with the rules of prerequisites, which require that you have previously passed the exams "Institutions of private Law" and "Constitutional Law".
Teaching methods The course is structured in lectures in the classroom with exposure issues as part of the teaching. They will be organized seminars and tutorials on specific topics and issues of particular relevance.
Other information The information is common to both modules of the "History of Relations between Church and State" teaching.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, are followed the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
For updated information, please visit: http://giurisprudenza.unipg.it/index.php/didattica/lezioni
Learning verification modality The assessment will be made at the end of the course in a collegial way by a single oral examination, lasting a few minutes, consisting of questions to the candidate on the subjects of education, aimed to examine the level of knowledge attained by the student and the degree capacity by the same to deal with in a conscious and rational issues underlying the content of the material.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the series of lessons if necessary and to take the exam from the first available session after the lessons themselves have ended, therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program Religion in classical antiquity. The Caesaropapism. Theocracy. The Jurisdictional. The Separatism. The Concordat. Current trends and future perspectives.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
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