Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002345
Location PERUGIA
Learning activities Base
Area Costituzionalistico
Academic discipline IUS/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Luisa Cassetti
  • Luisa Cassetti
  • 42 ore - Luisa Cassetti
Language of instruction
The course of Public/Constitutional Law aims to explain the evolution of Italian Constitutional Law in historical perspective, the Evolution of italian Constitutionalism in the Framework of the EU integration process and international Law, the Protection of Human Rights among Constitution and supra-national guarantees and the Evolution of the italian Regionalism.
Reference texts
- F. Modugno (a cura di) , Diritto pubblico, G.Giappichelli, updated edition OR
-R.Bin e G.Pitruzzella, Diritto costituzionale , G.Giappichelli, updated edition. For the study of the updated Constitution and the most relevant laws concerning public/constitutional law, students can use, f.ex.:- M.Bassani et alt., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, Milano, Giuffrè, updated edition
Educational objectives
The lessons of Public/Constitutional law aim to introduce the students into the basic knowledge of public law, constitutional justice, fundamental rights and sources of law. Students will be able to analyze the relationships between democratic institutions, public powers and society.
The study of Public/ Constitutional law needs a good level of general knowledge, that includes the historical background of italian democratic institutions and the evolution of EU integration process.
Teaching methods
Lessons face-to-face and Seminars/Focus based on the study of selected case-law .A selection of constitutional jurisprudence and normative materials is available at the blog www.luisacassetti.it
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, we follow the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti.
The teacher is available to provide working students and students involved in the Erasmus program with the basic information regarding the organization of the course and the recommended texts.
Other information
The Consulting calendar/hours of prof.sa Luisa Cassetti and her Assistants ( dr.Stefano Rotolo, dr.Luca M.Tonelli) is available on line at the web site of the Department of Law (www.giurisprudenza.unipg.it ) . For informations about the Degree Thesis, students can ask to the Professor during her consulting hours or ask her for an appointment by e-mail (luisa.cassetti@unipg.it")
Learning verification modality
Oral exam. The aim of the oral exam is verify the level of learning and the ability of the student to reasoning.
Extended program
The course of Public/ Constitutional Law (12 CFU) is organized into Two Semesters. During the first semester the lessons will cover the following topics: Constitutional Law and the Rule of law.Constitutions and Constitutionalism.Division of powers.Historical backgrounds of the Republican Constitution (1948). Italy in Europe: history and development of the EU integration.Sovereignty and Autonomies. Regional and federal powers: the Constitutional Reforms (Const.Law n.1/1999 and Const. Law n.3/2001). Form of Government. The Parliament and the Role of Political parties. Populism and EU crisis. The revision of the Constitution. Government and public administration. The role of the President of the Italian Republic.The organization and the role of jurisdictions.

Cognomi M-Z

Giorgio Repetto
  • Giorgio Repetto
  • 42 ore - Giorgio Repetto
Language of instruction
The Public Law module will be focused on:

1) Basic notions of public and constitutional law;
2) Form of government and the exercise of public power;
3) Regions and local authorities;
4) the judiciary and the public administration
Reference texts
R.Bin, G.Pitruzzella, Diritto costituzionale, Torino Giappichelli, updated ed.
It is recommended the study of the Constitution and the most relevant laws concerning public/constitutional law.
Educational objectives
A basic knowledge of the foundations of public and constitutional law.
It is useful to know the history and philosophy in line with programs of high school and an elementary familiarity with the rules of civic education.
Teaching methods
The basic approach of the course is the face-to-face lessions, in which the basic features of Italian public and constitutional law will be investigated.
Attention will be paid to concrete cases and to the analysis of legislation and judicial decisions.
Other information
Attendance in class is not compulsory, though strongly recommended.
Erasmus and working students are invited to contact the professor for whichever information required.

For disabled and DSA students, please visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Final evaluation will take place in form of an oral exam, for both attending and non-attending students.
The aim of the final exam is to verify the basic knowledge of the arguments of public and constitutional law.
Extended program
The Public Law module will focus in detail on the following topics:

1) Basic notions of public and constitutional law:

1.a) State, Legal order and the Constitution;
1.b) Flexible and rigid constitutions;
1.c) The constitutional state;
1.d) An introduction to Italian constitutional history;

2) Form of government and the exercise of public power;

2.a) Forms of government (in general);
2.b) The Italian form of government and its main principles: political representation and the exercise of public power;
2.d) Separation of powers;

3) Regions and local authorities;

3.a) The principle of local authonomy;
3.b) The organization of power at regional and local level;

4) the judiciary and the public administration:

4.a) The organization of the judiciary and the safeguard of its independence;
4.b) The judiciary and the rule of law;
4.c) Public administration and the Government;
4.d) The principles of administrative organization


Code A002346
Location PERUGIA
Learning activities Base
Area Costituzionalistico
Academic discipline IUS/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Luisa Cassetti
  • Luisa Cassetti
  • 42 ore - Luisa Cassetti
Language of instruction
The Course of Public/Constitutional Law aims to explain italian Constitutional Law in historical perspective, the Evolution of italian Constitutionalism in the framework of the EU integration process and international Law, the Protection of Human Rights among Constitution and supra-national guarantees and the Evolution of italian Regionalism.
Reference texts
- F. Modugno (a cura di) , Diritto pubblico, G.Giappichelli, updated edition
-R.Bin e G.Pitruzzella, Diritto costituzionale , G.Giappichelli, updated ed.
For the study of the Constitution and the most relevant laws concerning public/constitutional law , students can use, f.e.:- M.Bassani et alt., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, Milano, Giuffrè, updated ed.
Educational objectives
Public/Constitutional law aims to introduce the students into the basic knowledge of public law, constitutional justice, fundamental rights and sources of law. Students will be able to analyze the relationships between democratic institutions, public powers and society.
The study of Public/Constitutional Law needs a good level of general knowledge, that includes the historical background of italian democratic institutions and the evolution of EU integration process.
Teaching methods
Lessons and Seminars/Focus based on the study of selected Case-law .A selection of constitutional jurisprudence and normative materials are available at the blog: www.luisacassetti.it
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, we follow the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
The teacher is available to provide working students and students involved in the Erasmus program with the basic information regarding the organization of the course and the recommended texts.
Other information
The Consulting calendar/hours of prof.sa Luisa Cassetti and her Assistants ( dr.Stefano Rotolo, dr.Luca M.Tonelli) is available on line at the web site of the Department of Law (www.giurisprudenza.unipg.it ). For the Degree Thesis, students can ask for informations to the Professor during her consulting hours. They can also contact her for an appointment by e-mail (luisa.cassetti@unipg.it )
Learning verification modality
Oral exam. The aim of the oral exam is verify the level of learning and the ability of the student to reasoning.
Extended program
The course of Public/Constitutional law (12 CFU) is organized into two Semesters. During the second semester the lesson will cover the following issues: Constitutional Justice: italian Constitutional Court and the organization of Judicial power.The EU integration process and the evolution of the relationships between domestic primary law and EU law. Rights and Duties. The multilevel protection of fundamental rights in the “prisma” of constitutional and supranational justice.Sources of law. The Constitution (1948) and the other constitutional laws. Primary sources. Secondary sources and regulation. Regional law. Customary Law. Atypical sources and reinforced laws. The Sources of Law: criterion to solve antinomies

Cognomi M-Z

Giorgio Repetto
  • Luciana Pesole (Codocenza)
  • 42 ore (Codocenza) - Luciana Pesole
Language of instruction
The course will consist of the following main themes: 1) Sources of Law; 2) Organization and functions of the Italian constitutional Court; 3) The Fundamental Rights.
Reference texts
R.Bin, G.Pitruzzella, Diritto costituzionale, Torino Giappichelli, updated ed.
It is recommended the study of the Constitution and the most relevant laws concerning public/constitutional law.
Educational objectives
The basic approach of the course is the face-to-face lessions, in which the basic features of Italian public and constitutional law will be investigated.
Attention will be paid to concrete cases and to the analysis of legislation and judicial decisions.
It is useful to know the history and philosophy in line with programs of high school and an elementary familiarity with the rules of civic education.
Teaching methods
Attendance in class is not compulsory, though strongly recommended.
Working students and Erasmus students are invited to contact the professor for whichever information required.

For disabled and DSA students, please visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
Learning verification modality
Final evaluation will take place in form of an oral exam, for both attending and non-attending students.
The aim of the final exam is to verify the basic knowledge of the arguments of public and constitutional law. The duration of the test varies depending on the performance of the test.
Extended program
The course is divided in two sections. The first one with Mr. Prof. Repetto and the second one, in the second six month, with the Mrs. Prof. Pesole. The second part will have as object: 1) Sources of Law; 2) Organization and functions of the Italian constitutional Court; 3) The Fundamental Rights.
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