- Course
- Computer science and electronic engineering
- Study-unit Code
- A003164
- Curriculum
- Ingegneria elettronica
- Teacher
- Pisana Placidi
- Teachers
- Pisana Placidi
- Hours
- 81 ore - Pisana Placidi
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ingegneria elettronica
- Academic discipline
- ING-INF/01
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Contents
- Unit #1 (3 CFU): Digital Logic Design. Combinatorial logic and standard combinatorial components. Sequential Logic and standard sequential components.
Unit #2 (4 CFU): Figures of Merit (FoM) of a logic family. Logic families.
Unit #3 (2 CFU): Introduction to Programmable Systems. Laboratory of digital electronics based on microcontroller. - Reference texts
- U.D. #1:
F. Fummi, M. Lora, C. Silvano, Progettazione digitale, Mc Graw Hill (III edizione).
M. Morris Mano, C.R. Kime, Reti Logiche (4a o 5a ed.), Pearson-Prentice Hall.
U.D. #2:
Angelo Geraci, Principi di elettronica dei sistemi digitali, McGraw-Hill.
J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nicolic, Circuiti integrati digitali - L'ottica del progettista, 2a ed., Pearson-Prentice Hall.
U.D. #1-3:
-Lecture Notes and web link available on UNISTUDIUM: PIATTAFORMA DI ELEARNING DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA (https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/ ). - Educational objectives
- Main issues related to: combinatorial and sequential logic circuits and their design flow; Figures of Merit (FoM) of a logic family and logic families; microcontroller architecture and tools design.
Skills: requirements analysis and simple digital circuits and systems design (logic level); use of programmable system design tools (microcontrollers).
Furthermore, the course contributes to the achievement of the following learning outcomes: to integrate knowledge and to handle complexity. - Prerequisites
- There are no prerequisites. However, in order to understand the topics and to achieve the learning objectives, a basic knowledge of Boolean algebra, computer architectures and operating systems, circuit theory, C language is required.
The certificate of the course test on safety in the workplace is mandatory. - Teaching methods
- The lectures are organized as follows:
- face-to-face lectures;
- seminars
- laboratory activities, dedicated to microcontroller. The students will attend 10 lab sections, working on projects and problems.
Support tools for teaching: blackboard and PC + projector, PC, development boards. - Other information
- Class attendance is recommended: Semester II (for details please refer to the link https://www.ing.unipg.it/didattica/studiare-nei-nostri-corsi/orario-lezioni ).
Any news will be communicated to the students and reported in the web page of the course (https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/ ).
Information on support for students with disabilities and / or DSA is available on the website https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa . - Learning verification modality
- Expected learning is assessed through:
i) oral exam (score: 0-31; max 120 min);
ii) discussion of a laboratory report/project (the students have to attend at least 75% of lab sessions and write a report ). If these conditions do not exist, the student must agree on a “custom” project.
The exam can only take place if the laboratory test is also passed. - Extended program
- Unit #1 (3 CFU): Design of a digital component: abstraction and project flow steps. Combinatorial logic (Logic signals and noise, Logic operations, Boolean algebra, Minimization of logic functions, Karnaugh maps) and standard combinatorial components (Decoders, Multiplexers, Full Adders, Comparators). Sequential Logic (Introduction and state machines) and standard sequential components (latches and flip-flops, hardware implementation of a sequential network).
Unit #2 (4 CFU): Merit parameters of logic circuits. Logic families (Classification of logic families, The RTL and CMOS family inverter).
Unit #3 (2 CFU): Introduction to programmable systems: microcontroller architecture. Microcontroller-based digital electronics lab: design environment and project examples. - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile