Industrial engineering
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesco Fantozzi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 70002806
Teacher Francesco Fantozzi
  • Francesco Fantozzi
  • 54 ore - Francesco Fantozzi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria energetica
Academic discipline ING-IND/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 70034406
Teacher Mauro Zampilli
  • Mauro Zampilli
  • 54 ore - Mauro Zampilli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria energetica
Academic discipline ING-IND/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents - Introduction to fluid and thermal machines
- power generating turbomachines operating with compressible fluid
- power absorbing turbomachines operating with compressible fluid
- power generating turbomachines operating with incompressible fluid
- power absorbing turbomachines operating with incompressible fluid
- Power generating and power absorbing volumetric machines
Reference texts Teacher and personal notes.
Course Book: C. Caputo, Le Turbomacchine, Ambrosiana 1994

Additional reference books:
- V. Dossena et al., Macchine a fluido, Città Studi Edizioni, 2° edizione, 2020
- G. Bidini, Turbomacchine, Ed. Anteo, Perugia, 2008
- G. Manfrida, S. Stecco, Le Turbomacchine, Pitagora Ed. 1993
- G. Cornetti, F. Millo, Macchine Idrauliche, Il Capitello, Torino, 2015
Educational objectives Acquire technical and designing knowledge and skills concerning the analyisis, selection and preliminary dimension of fluid machinery components.
Prerequisites Knowledge of previous courses: Physiscs, Applied Physiscs and Mathematical Analysis
Teaching methods - Lectures
- Exercises
Learning verification modality - Written test
- Oral tests
Extended program - Introduction to fluid and thermal machines. Classification of Fluid Machinery: turbo- and volumetric machines, incompressible and compressible fluid, power generating and absorbing machines. Basic equation of fluid mechanic and thermodynamic: Momentum and Energy conservation. Thermodynamic Laws revision: I and II Laws on open and closed systems. Real fluids properties: specific heat, State Equation for Perfect and ideal gas. Thermodynamic transformations at different conditions: equations for calculating compression/expansion works, heat exchange, Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy change. Turbine blades, phenomenology of the flow through orifices and blade passages.
- Power generating turbomachines operating with Compressible fluid: steam turbines and gas turbines. Fluid dynamics of expansion nozzles, rotating and fixed vanes; static and total flow quantities; Hugoniot equations; Stodola cone, criteria for nozzle sizing; velocity triangles; work exchange between fluid and blades; degree of reaction; stage efficiency; volumetric efficiency; effect of steam humidity; multi-stage turbines; turbine types; three-dimensional effects; part-load operation of turbines. Basics of radial flow turbines. Steam turbine and gas turbine stages. Refrigeration of gas turbine blades. Dimensiong of turbines stages with degree of rection 0 and 0.5; dimensioning of multistages turbines with degree of reaction 0 (Curtis wheel).
- Power absorbing turbomachines operating with Compressible fluid: centrifugal and axial compressors. Introduction to centrifugal compressors; velocity triangles; dimensional analysis; flow and pressure coefficients; performance curves; slip factor, diffuser and volute. Sizing of a centrifugal compressor. Introduction to axial compressors; blades, vanes, stages; velocity triangles; dimensional analysis; flow and pressure coefficients; performance curves. Sizing of an axial compressor stage. Compressors in a system; stalling and surging.
- Theory of similitude, dimensional analysis. Reynolds number, Mach number, the specific speed, flow coefficients and pressure coefficient.
- Power generating turbomachines operating with Incompressible fluid: hydraulic turbines. Equations for incompressible flows; Bernoulli's equation; basics of hydroelectric power generation. Hydraulic turbine features; Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines. Degree of reaction; velocity triangles; dimensional analysis; flow and pressure coefficients; performance curves. Diffuser employment in Francis and Kaplan turbines-based power plant for energy recovery. Cavitation.
- Power absorbing turbomachines operating with Incompressible fluid: pumps. Centrifugal pumps. Blades, vanes, velocity triangles; performance curves; diffuser, volute. Cavitation. NPSH, Pump-circuit system. Serial and parallel configuration. Centrifugal pump design.
- Volumetric power generating and power absorbing machines. Positive displacement machines: volumetric pumps, piston pumps, screw pumps. Performance curves.
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