Industrial engineering
Study-unit Code
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Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 70002406
Teacher Federico Rossi
  • Federico Rossi
  • 54 ore - Federico Rossi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria energetica
Academic discipline ING-IND/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Applied thermodynamics.
acoustic psychometry Psycho acoustic photometry
heat transfer
Reference texts Lezioni di fisica tecnica Mauro Felli.
Educational objectives Acquire knowledge to achieve: knowledge on the application of the principles of thermodynamics and the principles of energy conservation; knowledge of the physics of humid air for plant applications; basic knowledge of heat transmission with related applications in civil engineering mechanical engineering electronic engineering; knowledge of environmental acoustics and lighting engineering with related interactions between stimuli and psychophysical sensations.
Prerequisites Knowledge of basic mathematical analysis and elements of physics.
Teaching methods Frontal Teaching
Other information ..
Extended program Elements of thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics and applications, zero law of thermodynamics measurement of temperature; second law of thermodynamics Carnot machine; reversibility irreversibility Clausius equation and Clausius inequation, energy balance of an open system; Bernoulli equation Moody diagram; load losses. Heat engines and their applications: Otto cycle, diesel cycle, gas turbines and Brydon cycle, ranking cycle; compression refrigeration machines and absorption refrigeration machines; psychometric quantities psychometric treatments and elements of thermotechnical systems; heat transfer by conduction heat transfer by convection heat transfer by radiation; mixed examples of heat transfer cooling fin and heat exchangers; applications and exercises. Acoustic quantities elements of Psychoacoustics audiogram normal scale of hairdryers; Senin's theory of reverberation; propagation in free field and reverberated field; reverberation time and acoustic corrections; sound-absorbing materials and sound-insulating materials; photometric quantities; visibility curve and methods for its determination; method. And total flux method for technical lighting design; lighting with natural daylight factor.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 6,7,9,11,12,13


Code 70002506
Teacher Federico Rossi
  • Federico Rossi
  • 54 ore - Federico Rossi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria energetica
Academic discipline ING-IND/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Applied thermodynamics.
acoustic psychometry Psycho acoustic photometry
heat transfer
Reference texts Lezioni di fisica tecnica Mauro Felli.
Educational objectives Acquire knowledge to achieve: knowledge on the application of the principles of thermodynamics and the principles of energy conservation; knowledge of the physics of humid air for plant applications; basic knowledge of heat transmission with related applications in civil engineering mechanical engineering electronic engineering; knowledge of environmental acoustics and lighting engineering with related interactions between stimuli and psychophysical sensations.
Prerequisites Knowledge of basic mathematical analysis and elements of physics.
Teaching methods Frontal Teaching
Other information ..
Learning verification modality
Extended program Elements of thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics and applications, zero law of thermodynamics measurement of temperature; second law of thermodynamics Carnot machine; reversibility irreversibility Clausius equation and Clausius inequation, energy balance of an open system; Bernoulli equation Moody diagram; load losses. Heat engines and their applications: Otto cycle, diesel cycle, gas turbines and Brydon cycle, ranking cycle; compression refrigeration machines and absorption refrigeration machines; psychometric quantities psychometric treatments and elements of thermotechnical systems; heat transfer by conduction heat transfer by convection heat transfer by radiation; mixed examples of heat transfer cooling fin and heat exchangers; applications and exercises. Acoustic quantities elements of Psychoacoustics audiogram normal scale of hairdryers; Senin's theory of reverberation; propagation in free field and reverberated field; reverberation time and acoustic corrections; sound-absorbing materials and sound-insulating materials; photometric quantities; visibility curve and methods for its determination; method. And total flux method for technical lighting design; lighting with natural daylight factor.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 6,7,9,11,12,13
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