Industrial engineering
Study-unit Code
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Francesco Bonacci
  • Francesco Bonacci
  • 54 ore - Francesco Bonacci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Fisica e chimica
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to electromagnetism.
1. Electrical and magnetic properties of materials
2. Electrostatics and magnetostatics
3. Time-dependent electric and magnetic fields.
4. Electric circuits
5. Introduction to Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves
Reference texts
P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci - Elementi di fisica - Elettromagnetismo e Onde - P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci

Fisica per scienze e ingegneria vol.2 di Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett
Educational objectives
The goal of the course is to provide the student with the ability to analyze and understand the main physical phenomena related to the electric and magnetic properties of matter.
Knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and tools such as complex numbers, integration, derivation, differential and vector calculus.
Teaching methods
The course includes both lectures and practical classes.
Other information
Further information available on the Unistudium page (www.unistudium.unipg.it)
Learning verification modality
The exam will consist of a written test including practical exercises and theoretical questions.
Extended program
1. Introduction.
The four fundamental forces in nature. Introduction to electromagnetism, historical overview. Electrical structure of matter. The principle of conservation of electric charge.

2. Electrostatic Fields.
Coulomb's law. Classification of materials by electrical properties: insulators, conductors. Electrostatic induction. Electric field. Electric fields generated by a point charge. Electric fields of N point charges, principle of superposition. Electric fields from a charge distribution. Graphical representations: field lines. Field generated by a wire, a ring, and a charged disk.

3. Electrostatic potential energy and potential.
Work of the electric force. Potential energy and electrostatic potential due to a point charge and a discrete set of point charges. Potential difference. The electric potential in a uniform field. Conservation of energy. Motion of a particle in an electric field. Electric dipoles. Equipotential surfaces. Torque on an electric dipole.

4. Gauss's law.
Flux of an electric field. Gaussian surfaces. Gauss's theorem. Gauss's law and Coulomb's law. Applications of Gauss's law for symmetric charge distributions. Conductors in equilibrium. Coulomb's theorem. Hollow conductor: electrostatic shielding.

5. Capacitors.
Capacitance of a capacitor. Parallel plate capacitor, cylindrical capacitor, spherical capacitor. Capacitors in series and in parallel. Energy stored in a capacitor. Energy density of the electric field.

6. Dielectrics.
Capacitor in the presence of a dielectric. Dielectric constant. Capacitance in the presence of a dielectric. Dielectric strength. Polarization.

7. Electric current and resistance.
Definition of electric current. Microscopic aspect. Drift velocity and current density. Electrical resistance and resistivity. Ohm's first and second laws. Energy dissipation and Joule effect. Introduction to superconducting materials.

8. Electric circuits.
Ideal and real generators. Resistors in series and in parallel. Definition of branches, nodes, and meshes. Methods for solving electric circuits. Kirchhoff's first and second laws. Applications of Kirchhoff's laws. RC circuits. Charging and discharging of a capacitor.

9. Magnetic properties of matter.
Magnetic poles and magnetic fields. Sources of the magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field. Magnetic field lines. Lorentz force. Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field: perpendicular and oblique velocity relative to the magnetic field. Crossed electric and magnetic fields. Velocity selector. Thomson experiment and measurement of the charge-to-mass ratio. Hall effect.

10. Magnetic force on current-carrying conductors.
Laplace's law. Loop carrying current in a magnetic field. Magnetic dipole moment. Torque and energy of a magnetic dipole in a field. Electric motor. Ampère's equivalence principle.

11. Sources of magnetic fields.
Magnetic fields generated by currents. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic field generated by an infinite straight wire. Magnetic field generated by a current-carrying arc. Field on the axis of a circular loop. Magnetic field generated by a solenoid. Force between two parallel current-carrying wires.

12. Ampère's circuital law.
Magnetic field outside and inside a current-carrying wire. Magnetic field inside a solenoid and toroid.

13. Magnetic properties of matter.
Classical model of magnetic dipoles in matter. Magnetic moment of the electron. Bohr’s magneton. Classification of materials: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism. Magnetic permeability and susceptibility. Magnetizing field and magnetization. Hysteresis loop for ferromagnetic materials.

14. Electromagnetic induction.
Faraday-Neumann law, Lenz's law. Induction experiments, loop moving in a fixed magnetic field. Calculation of opposing forces, generated power, and thermal power dissipated on a resistive load. Induced electric field. Origin of the induced electric field. Faraday's generalized circuital law. Inductors and inductance. Definition of inductance. Inductance in a solenoid. Mutual induction. Solution of the RL circuit. Magnetic energy stored in an inductor. Magnetic energy density.

15. Alternating current circuits.
Alternating voltage generators. Resistors, capacitors, and inductors in alternating current. Phasors. Series RLC circuits and resonance.

16. Maxwell's equations.
Displacement current. Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's equations in the absence of free charges and conduction currents.

17. Introduction to wave phenomena.
Plane harmonic waves. Transverse and longitudinal plane waves. Superposition and interference between waves. Standing waves. Electromagnetic waves. Energy transported by an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic spectrum.
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