Study-unit Code
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Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50520202
Teacher Fortunato Bianconi
  • Fortunato Bianconi
  • 24 ore - Fortunato Bianconi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze interdisciplinari
Academic discipline ING-INF/06
Type of study-unit


Code 50520201
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Fabrizio Stracci
  • 12 ore - Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione dei servizi sanitari
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Role of public health to ensure effective functioning of health services

Planning, execution, and evaluation of health interventions

Importance of the evaluation of health interventions

Building evaluation systems: scope and selection of indicators

Classification and role of preventive interventions
Reference texts Barbuti S, Bellelli E, Fara GM, Giammanco G. Igiene e Medicina Preventiva. Monduzzi Ed.
Ricciardi W, Angelillo IF, Boccia S, Bruno S, Bucci R e altri. Igiene - Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica. Idelson-Gnocchi Ed.

Signorelli C et al. Igiene - Epidemiologia - Sanita' pubblica - Società ditrice Universo , Roma

Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health (7 ed.). Edited by: Roger Detels, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Fran Baum, Liming Li, and Alastair H Leyland. Oxford University press 2021
Educational objectives Knowledge of health systems organization and funding. Understanding of epidemiologic assessment of the burden of disease. Understanding of classification and role of preventive interventions in disease control.

Students will be aware of the fundamental role of public health in the health services

Students will be able to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to plan, execute, and evaluate health interventions and aware of an intersectoral global health approach to disease control and health.

Students will be able to build evaluation systems of health interventions based on selected set of indicators
Prerequisites Students should have successfully passed the epidemiology test
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons

Seminars with expert guests
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral exam. Duration: about 15 minutes. NUmber of questions: 2. One question exploring knowledge of theoretical public health models and classifications. One qustion to explore commpetence about practical application for specific disease control (e.g. evidence-based prevention of large bowel cancer) or sector organization (e.g. organization of primary care). Final grade: arithmetic mean of the integrated modules scores.
Extended program Population ageing and prevailing diseases.
Impacts on health systems of population aging.
The One health and planetary health strategies for global health.
The chronic care model.
Clinical networks and care pathway.
The role of prevention in disease control and health services sustainability.
Epidemiology and control of chronic diseases
Cancer control
Classification of cancer screenings
A comparison of organised and opportunistic screening
Epidemiology and control of large bowel cancer
Epidemiology and control of breast cancer
Epidemiology and control of prostate cancer
Epidemiology and control of gastric cancer
Other malignant tumors
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
The role of public health in effective control of Type 2 diabetes
Coronary Heart Disease
Environment and health
Drinking water: standards; health risks from infectious, toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic water contaminants
Diet and health
Air pollution
Indoor pollution
Methods to investigate the health outcomes of environmental factors exposure
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code 50517102
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Fabrizio Stracci
  • 24 ore - Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline MED/01
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The basis of scientific investigation
The role of statistic methods in biomedical research
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
Regression models to analyze relationships between variables
Reference texts Primer of biostatistics by Stanton A. Glantz


Principles of Biostatistics by Marcello Pagano, Kimberlee Gauvreau
Educational objectives Basic data analysis
Understanding of the role of statistics in medicine
Critical reading of methods and results in published biomedical research
Prerequisites none
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons
Hands-on exercises
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral exam. Duration about 15-20 minutes based on two questions. A question will be devoted to explore knowledge of common statistics, the concept of statistical testing and regression models. Another question will investigate competence in the application of simple statistical techniques and critical reading of methods applied in epidemiologic and clinical research. Final grade will be obtained as the arithmetic mean of results of integrated courses.
Extended program 1. Introduction
1.1 Statistics definitions and scope
1.2 Statistical methods in medical research

2. Data
2.1 Types of variables
2.2 Tabulation and processing of data
2.3 Diagrams
2.4 Descriptive statistics
2.5 Measures of central tendency
2.6 Measures of variability

3. Probability
3.1 Frequentist definition of probability
3.2 Probability distributions
3.3 The normal or Gaussian distribution
3.4 Probability distributions and applications

4. Populations and samples
4.1 Parameters and their estimation
4.2 Sampling

5. Statistical inference
5.1 Point and interval estimation
5.2 Confidence interval for the sample mean
5.3 Significance testing
5.4 Parametric Hypothesis Tests: Student’s t test and Analysis of Variance
5.5 Confidence interval for the difference between two means
5.6 Non-Parametric Hypothesis Tests: chi-squared test

6. Regression and correlation
6.1 Regression models
6.2 Linear regression
6.2.1 Linear regression equation: parameters estimation using the ordinary least squares method
6.2.2 Tests of significance in regression
6.2.3 Confidence interval for the linear regression coefficient b
6.3 Correlation
6.4 Critical reading of results from multivariable regression models
6.5 Multivariable modeling, an introduction
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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