Study-unit Code
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Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50242402
Teacher Federico Scarponi
  • Federico Scarponi
  • 24 ore - Federico Scarponi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della fisioterapia
Academic discipline MED/34
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents mechanisms of severe brain injury , evaluation and rehabilitative aspects.Managementin Acute and Post-Acute phase
Reference texts La riabilitazione delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite. Percorsi sanitario-assistenziali, complessità gestionale, evidenza dei risultati
di Anna Mazzucchi - Giunti OS editore

Metodologia della Riabilitazione
di Bartolo - Sandrini - Smania • 2016
Educational objectives physiopathological mechanisms of a severe brain injury; disorders of consciousness ; knowledge of the rehabilitative pathways ,rehabilitative interventions in intensive care unit and post-acute phase
Prerequisites knowledge of neurology and the basics of neurological rehabilitation
Teaching methods Frontal lessons through slides and audiovisual material; experiences and clincal cases
Other information
Learning verification modality depending on the number of participants, the exam may be held orally or in writing.
Extended program Lesson 1
Definition of Severe Acquired Cerebrolesione Acquired (GCA). . GCA traumatic mechanisms of injury; focal damage, diffuse damage, diffuse axonal damage (DAI) GCA to non-traumatic etiology: brain haemorrhages and anoxic brain injuries anoxieties.infectious brain injuries
Lesson 2
The consciousness , definition and characteristics of the patient in coma, in vegetative state, minimal consciousness state, akinetic mutism and locked in syndrome. The use of tools to evaluate the state of consciousness. The difficulties of diagnostic accuracy of consciousness
Lesson 3
The minimum protocol for the assessment of Severe Acquired Brain injury. The Coma Recovery Scale revised : general rules, scale characteristics, use in scientific studies
Lesson 4
factors influencing the recovery of consciousness; role of pain and its evaluation; pain matrix
Lesson 5
Rehabilitation management in the acute phase: the bed rest syndrome; pressure sores ; polyneuropathies acquired in intensive care; evidence of early rehabilitation: mobilization, verticalization
Lesson 6
Hydrocephalo-craniectomy and cranioplasty
spasticity - paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity - tracheostomic tube
Lesson 7
heterotopic calcifications (POA) -nutrition
routes for GCA
Lesson 8
transferability criteria - appropriateness criteria - priority criteria.
teamwork. assistive devices
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code 50242502
Teacher Lorella Sagrestani
  • Lorella Sagrestani
  • 24 ore - Lorella Sagrestani
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della fisioterapia
Academic discipline MED/48
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Project and rehabilitation program in critical area
Reference texts “La riabilitazione delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite Percorsi sanitario assistenziali, complessità gestionale, evidenza dei risultati” Mazzucchi Anna - Giunti Editore 2011

“Ricominciare” Patricia M. Davies - Sringer edizione 2004
Educational objectives Acquire knowledge about the management in a team of the patient with brain injury

Acquire knowledge for an adeguate evaluation and to create an appropriate physical treatment for the patient with brain injury

Acquire the skills to implement strategies to guide the functional recovery of the patient with brain injury
Prerequisites brain injury neurophysiology
Teaching methods theoretical lessons and practical training through simulations
Other information
Learning verification modality oral examination
Extended program The take on responsibility of the patient with acquired brain injury: the multidisciplinary team
Peculiarity of the intervention of the physioterapist on the patient with brain damage in the acute and post acute phase

Rehabilitative intervention on the patient with reduced awareness

Strategies to help the motoric and functional recovery in acquired brain injuries

Prevention and cure of complications due to paralysis

Axial disorders treatment

Early verticalization

Identification of wheelchair and postural system

Physical treatment for spasticity
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code 50242602
Teacher Rita Moretti
  • Rita Moretti
  • 24 ore - Rita Moretti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della fisioterapia
Academic discipline MED/50
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Neuropsychological symptoms in diffuse brain injury.
The swallowing disorders in brain injury.
Reference texts La riabilitazione delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite Percorsi sanitario assistenziali, complessità gestionale, evidenza dei risultati. Mazzucchi Anna . Giunti Editore 2011

Linee guida sulla gestione del paziente disfagico adulto in foniatria e logopedia. ConsensusConference Torino, 2007
Educational objectives To get knowledge of cognitive-behavioral disorder after acquired brain injury and to learn how to plan and improve and effective rehabilitation intervations and supports.
Prerequisites Brain Injury neurophysiology
Teaching methods Lectures

Seminarial activity with audiovisual material
Other information
Learning verification modality oral examination
Extended program Unità didattica 1:Traumatic and nontraumatic acquire brain injury. Neuropsychological symptoms in diffuse brain injury. Observation tools of cognitive behavior.

Unità didattica 2: The attentional processes. Attention and cognitive processes. Automatic and voluntary attention; selective and intensive attention components; spatial attention.
Clinical evaluation and rehabilitative interventions on the attentional disorders in the acquired brain injury.

Unità didattica 3: The mnesic functions. MBT and MLT. Prospective memory. Learning processes, consolidation and reenactment. Clinical assessment and rehabilitative interventions memory of memory disorders in the acquired brain injury.

Unità didattica 4: Executive functions. Disorders of the initiative and planning of activities aimed. Disorders of logic skills, of abstract judgment and problem solving. Disorders of behaviour and affectivity.
Clinical evaluation and rehabilitative interventions for executive and behavioral deficits in the acquired brain injury.

Unità didattica 5: The swallowing function. Dysphagia Oropharyngeal: assessment and rehabilitation. Multidisciplinary management in dysphagia.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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