Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003702
Teacher Domenico Vittorio Delfino
  • Domenico Vittorio Delfino
  • 24 ore - Domenico Vittorio Delfino
Learning activities Base
Area Primo soccorso
Academic discipline BIO/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP003701
Teacher Claudia Monari
  • Claudia Monari
  • 12 ore - Claudia Monari
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Notions concerning: structure and physiology of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, host-microorganism interaction; mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity. Information on the main pathogenic microorganisms for humans and associated diseases.
Reference texts Microbiologia Clinica.Eudes Lanciotti. (Casa Editrice Ambrosiana).
Microbiologia Medica (La Placa).
Paths, materials and/or assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled and/or DSA students are provided.
Educational objectives Provide the student with knowledge on the main microorganisms responsible for human pathologies
Knowledge that the student must possess at the beginning of the teaching lessons in order to understand the contents treated and the learning objectives:
anatomy - important
immunology - useful
biology - useful
general pathology - useful
Teaching methods Lectures. Paths, materials and/or assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled and/or DSA students are provided.
Other information For clarifications, information: claudia.monari@unipg.it
Office hours are agreed periodically with the students
Learning verification modality Oral examination lasting approximately 20 minutes divided into two questions relating to the topics described in the program. A third question on minimum essential knowledge may be asked in case of an unsatisfactory answer to the two main questions. Paths, materials and/or assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled and/or DSA students are provided.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page:http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Bacteriology: bacteria morphology, structure and function - Bacterial metabolism - Bacterial observation and culture - Bacterial pathogenesis mechanisms - Bacterial taxonomy
Main pathogenic bacteria for humans.
Virology: virus morphology, structure and function - Viral replication - Virus observation and cultivation - Viral pathogenesis mechanisms - Virus classification
Main pathogenic viruses for humans
Mycology: morphology, structure and function of mycetes. Metabolism of mycetes - Observation and cultivation of mycetes
Host-microorganism interaction and mechanisms of pathogenicity of mycetes- Classification of mycetes.
Parassitology: morphology, structure and function of parasites


Code GP003703
Teacher Giuseppe Servillo
  • Giuseppe Servillo
  • 24 ore - Giuseppe Servillo
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline MED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents - Molecular Pathology
- Major genetic diseases
- Diseases to environmental causes
- Cellular pathology and cell death
- Inflammation
- Molecular Oncology
Reference texts 1. G.M. Pontieri. Patologia e fisiopatologia generale. Per i corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie. Piccin
2.Spector. Introduzione alla Patologia Generale, Casa editrice Ambrosiana
3. Pontieri. Patologia generale, Piccin
4. Robbins. Le basi patologiche delle malattie, Elsevier
Educational objectives At the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired fundamental knowledge to understand the molecular moments relevant to the etiopathogenesis of diseases, as well as to have knowledge of the main causes of diseases inherent to the particular biological needs during Physiotherapeutic recovery
Prerequisites In order to understand and know how to apply most of the knowledge provided by the teaching it is important to have successfully defended the exams of the first year of the degree course. The student must in fact possess the knowledge of the processes that take place within the cell and within and between the various organs and body systems. Students must know the basics of the profession of phisioterapist.
Teaching methods Frontal lectures. The lectures are on the whole program of the course of study, but are also on specialized topics that emerge from the specific needs of learners, all in a view of a highly vocational intent of the course. Each lesson has a duration of two hours on a specific topic, but relating it to others already exposed, to allow the student to have an integrated vision.
Other information Compulsory attendance.
Schedule of the lessons and exams: The schedule of the lessons and exams is posted on the Course website By appointment through e-mail. Teaching room, Building C, 3th Floor, Medicine and Surgery Course, Piazzale Severi, 1. Perugia.

For students with disabilities see the website http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality The exam is integrated with the module of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology and General Pharmacology with a final score derived from the mediation between the votes obtained in the three modules.
The oral tests consist of discussions lasting 20 minutes on average on 2 questions, designed to ascertain:
- Level of knowledge of the topics
- Ability of understanding, connection and integration of information
-Capacity and exhibition of language

For students with disabilities see the website http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program 1. Introduction to the concept of health and disease. The field of interest of the general pathology. Ethiology and Pathogenesis
2. The communication between cells. The structural basis of communication. The cellular signaling: endocrine, autocrine and paracrine. Interactions between cells and matrix. Pathology of cellular signaling.
3. The cell damage and adaptive mechanisms. Causes and mechanisms of intrinsic cellular damage (genetic diseases. Mendelian diseases. Polygenic diseases. Diseases cytogenetics. The molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases and genomics-based) and environmental diseases (Environmental Pollution. Damage to chemical and physical agents. Nutritional diseases. The diseases infectious. Teratogenicity). Morphological and molecular aspects of cell damage. The answer to the subcellular damage. The cellular adaptation. Hypertrophy and ipotrofie. Cell death.
4. Elements of immunology and immunopathology. The acute and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation. Vascular changes. Cellular events: the exudation and leukocyte phagocytosis. The chemical mediators of inflammation. Chronic inflammation: definition and causes. The role of the lymphatic system and lymphoid tissue in inflammatory processes. Systemic manifestations of the inflammatory process.
5. The healing process. The cell cycle and the control of cell proliferation. The repair to scar. Mechanisms of wound healing. Pathology of healing process. Integration of inflammatory and reparative processes.
6. The tumor and cell transformation. Definitions and nomenclature. Characteristics of benign and malignant neoplasms. Malignancies. Cancer epidemiology. Carcinogenesis and the molecular basis of cancer. Biology of the neoplastic proliferation. Etiology of cancer: carcinogens.
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