Unit Peace and War Theories

International relations
Study-unit Code
Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera
Nicoletta Stradaioli
  • Nicoletta Stradaioli
  • 42 ore - Nicoletta Stradaioli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Erasmus Students: Erasmus students are invited to attend the course. The oral exam can be taken in English. However, a basic knowledge of Italian is required. Please contact the instructor for an appointment before the course begins.
The course aims to examine the debate on peace and war, international relations, and the global order from the perspective of the history of political thought. From the medieval period to contemporary times, the ideas of key authors in this debate will be analyzed in significant contexts. In particular, the texts (provided by the teacher on Unistudim) of political thinkers who have dealt with issues related to peace and war will be examined.
Reference texts
For attending students, the exam will focus on the content of the lectures and the analysis of the texts provided by the teacher.
Non-attending students: the exam will focus on a text of their choice from the following list:

- Capitini, A., Le ragioni della nonviolenza. Antologia degli scritti, a cura di Mario Martini, Pisa, ETS, 2016.

- Capitini A., Un’alta passione, un’alta visione. Scritti politici 1935-1968, a cura di Lanfranco Binni e Marcello Rossi, Firenze, Il Ponte, 2016.

- Figure della guerra. La riflessione su pace, conflitto e giustizia tra Medioevo e prima età moderna, a cura di Merio Scattola, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003.

- Schmitt C., Il Nomos della terra, Milano, Adelphi, 1991.

- Scuccimarra L., Proteggere l’umanità. Sovranità e diritti umani nell’epoca globale, Bologna, il Mulino, 2016.

- Walzer M., Guerre giuste e ingiuste. Un discorso morale con esemplificazioni storiche, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009.
Educational objectives
By the end of the course, the student will have gained a good understanding of the debate on war and peace, international relations, and the global order in modern and contemporary political thought. In addition, they will have learned the conceptual and theoretical tools that will allow them to interpret the main political doctrines that have addressed themes related to peace and war.
A good knowledge of modern history, contemporary history, and the history of political thought is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures based on in-class readings of the texts by the political thinkers being examined, along with the reconstruction of the relevant historical, political, and geographical contexts.
Other information
Attendance at classes is optional. Non-attending students will prepare for the exam using a different syllabus (see ‘Reference texts’ section).
Learning verification modality
Oral exam at the end of the course. There are no mid-term assessments or other forms of written examination.
Extended program
The course aims to reconstruct, from the perspective of the history of political thought, the debate on war and peace, international relations, and the global order. Particular attention will be given to those authors and texts that, due to their relevance, have marked the most significant moments in this debate. In this regard, taking into account the historical context, the texts of those political thinkers who addressed themes related to peace and war from the premodern era to the contemporary age will be analyzed.
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