International relations
Study-unit Code
Cooperazione internazionale e state building
Riccardo Cruzzolin
  • Riccardo Cruzzolin
  • 42 ore - Riccardo Cruzzolin
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to propose a reflection on the contribution that anthropological knowledge can give to the understanding of the power relationships present in many societies. In particular, will be studied the various forms of legitimation of power, the relationship between power and culture, hegemony and subordination. There are two parts. A first, more institutional, which will retrace the history of academic political anthropology. A second, which will focus more on the concepts that can make the logic of domination and power recognizable in contemporary life contexts, both the more "official" ones and the more intimate and ordinary ones (for example gender relations). The second part will also deal with the relationship between "formal" and "informal" politics and various examples of resistance from below will be investigated.
Reference texts
For attending students: handouts will be distributed during the lessons

For non-attending students:
Li Causi, L.: Uomo e potere, Carocci, 2005
Due testi a scelta tra:
Anderson, B.: Comunità immaginate. Originie diffusione dei nazionalismi, Laterza, 2018
Bloch. M.: Da preda a cacciatore. La politica dell’esperienza religiosa, Raffaello Cortina, 2005
Dematteo L.: L’idiota in politica. Antropologia della Lega Nord, Feltrinelli 2011
Evans-Pritchard, E.: I Nuer, un’anarchia ordinata, Franco Angeli, 2016
Fassin, D.: La forza dell’ordine. Antropologia della polizia nelle periferie urbane, La Linea, 2013
Fassin, D.: Ragione umanitaria. Una storia morale del presente, Derive Approdi, 2018
Gellner, E.: Nazioni e nazionalismo, Editori riuniti, 1994
Heritier, F.: Dissolvere la gerarchia. Maschile/Femminile II, Raffaello Cortina, 2004
Mintz, S.: Storia dello zucchero, Einaudi, 1997
Ong, A.: Da rifugiati a cittadini. Pratiche di governo nella nuova America, Raffaello Cortina, 2005
Ong, A.: Neoliberismo come eccezione. Cittadinanza e sovranità in mutazione, La Casa Usher, 2013
Scott, J.: Lo sguardo dello stato, Eleuthera, 2019
Smith, A.: Le origini etniche delle nazioni, il Mulino, 1998
Educational objectives
To make students understand the different forms that the politician can take and the importance of the relationship between politics and culture.
Teaching methods
Lectures and workshops
Learning verification modality
Oral examination
Extended program
Lineages, segmental societies and gangs.
African states.
The transformation processes induced by colonialism.
The birth of the nation-state.
Nation and ethnicity.
The gaze of the state: legality and illegality.
The world-system and resistance movements.
Microphysics of power.
The power and the body
The interstitial and naturalized forms of violence: gender-based violence, structural violence, symbolic violence.
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