Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Antonella D'alessandro
  • Antonella D'alessandro
  • 54 ore - Antonella D'alessandro
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Teaching unit 1: Balance-based industrial design.
Introduction to structural analysis. Theoretical and methodological references. Degrees of freedom of the material point and of the rigid body. Cardinal equations of statics and their solution. Optimal arrangement of external constraints. Monolateral and frictional constraints. Kinematic mechanisms of loss of global balance. Degrees of freedom of the rigid body and tridimensional constraints. Overturning conditions of rigid bodies. Center of gravity of discrete and distributed systems.
Teaching unit 2: Elements of architecture and construction technology.
Loads, internal actions and typical load bearing structural systems in architecture. Mechanical behavior of materials and structures: deformability, strength, ductility. Reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, aluminum structures, wooden structures, masonry structures, glass structures.
Reference texts
Specific references provided by the teacher. The following may also be useful references for the syudents.
A. Campanella, Introduzione alla meccanica delle strutture per il design, Aracne editrice
B. Del Curto, C. Marano, Materiali per il design. Introduzione ai materiali e alle loro proprietà, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
P. Silver, W. McLean, Introduction to architectural technology, Editore: Laurence King
R. Thompson, Il manuale per il design dei prodotti industriali, Zanichelli
Educational objectives
The course aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to quantitatively evaluate the equilibrium conditions and qualitatively evaluate the load bearing capacity and the deformation capacity of structural elements and structures with specific reference to design aspects. The students will acquire the needed skills to critically evaluate and design an industrial product.
Having attended with success the course of "Structural shapes for design" is a prerequisite for this course.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in face-to-face lectures, organized in two teaching units, concerning the whole program of the course. Moreover, in some cases active learning approaches such as flipped-classroom, learning-by-doing and think-aloud will be used.
Other information
During the semester, specific revisions of the obligatory projects will be organized. The lessons will be provided in the Unistudium platform.
Specific methods for student with particular needs will be defined directly with the involved students.
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of an written and/or oral test on the theoretical topics defined during the classes, and the solution of simple structures. The student will present also the project of an industrial design object, chosen from different themes provided by the teachers, with particular reference to the structural aspects concerning the analysis of balance and the technological-realization aspects. The specific methods will be defined and published on Unistudium during the Course.
Extended program
The course is divided into two teaching units dedicated to basic and applied aspects in the design of industrial design structures, the contents of which are described below.

Teaching unit 1: Balance-based industrial design.
Introduction to structural analysis: collapse, deformability and robustness problems; basic structural elements and their applications to industrial design.
Theoretical and methodological references: vectors, Newton's laws, equilibrium of the material point, moment of forces, pair of forces. Statically equivalent force systems; funicular polygon of forces; uniform and triangular distributed loads.
Degrees of freedom of the material point and of the rigid body; fundamental postulate of mechanics and constraints; constrained body and statically equivalent free body; cardinal equations of statics and their solution: impossible equilibrium, statically determined system, statically indeterminate system; optimal arrangement of external constraints: labile system, isostatic system, statically indeterminate system; monolateral and friction constraints; Coulomb's law; sliding and overturning kinematic mechanisms with practical examples from the world of industrial design.
Degrees of freedom of the rigid body and constraints in space; examples of rigid bodies in space of a labile or isostatic type, in different conditions of equilibrium; overturning conditions of rigid bodies subject to gravitational loads resting on discrete points; center of gravity of concentrated mass systems and distributed mass systems; center of gravity of distributed mass systems.

Teaching unit 2: Elements of architecture and construction technology.
Notes on the loads acting on structures. Outline of the internal actions of structures and structural load bearing capacity against vertical and horizontal loads. Typical static systems in architecture. Mechanical behavior of materials and structures: deformability, strength, ductility. Materials, structural elements and technologies for architectural design: reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, aluminum structures, wooden structures, masonry structures, glass structures.
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