Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Benedetta Terenzi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000302
Teacher Giacomo Pagnotta
  • Giacomo Pagnotta
  • 36 ore - Giacomo Pagnotta
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche
Academic discipline ICAR/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The teaching is aimed at transmitting the
basic principles of modeling and 3D printing. The course is divided into the following teaching units.
1. Theoretical outline of 3D modeling and printing and the main software used and in commerce
2. 3D modeling and rendering techniques
3. 3D printing techniques
Reference texts McNeel Rhinoceros Handbook
KeyShot manual
Autodesk Mesmixer manual
Cura manual

- McNeel Rhinoceros 5 or later
- KeyShot 7 or later
- Autodesk Mesmixer
- Cura
Educational objectives The 3D Modeling and Printing Course program includes the introduction and practical guide to the main creative and executive solutions related to the world of 3D graphics. The course deals with theoretical and practical topics, trying to provide students with the tools necessary to learn the fundamental knowledge on the use of 3D modeling and printing software used and apply them in dedicated projects.
We will deepen the design phases aimed at acquiring different contents in different formats and different methods so as to transform a design idea into a virtual and physical three-dimensional model. The intention is to direct students towards a project based on the complete vision of the project, with a three-dimensional approach that, in a proactive and effective way, prefigures projects suitable for both an artistic and commercial market
Prerequisites Good knowledge of:
- CAD automatic drawing software: Autodesk Autocad, Progecad or similar
- vector graphic design software: Adobe Illustrator, CoreDraw or similar
- raster graphic design software: Adobe Photoshop or similar
Teaching methods During the lessons, individual application exercises will be carried out in the classroom directly with your PC or with the tools provided (it is advisable to have a laptop to facilitate understanding of the lesson). the lessons will be structured according to the timetable in theoretical parts and practical parts with exercises related to the topics covered during the lesson and will be useful to apply and acquire the concepts explained.
Other information none
Learning verification modality The course will end with a final exam in which the students will have to present the papers and make an oral interview according to the methods indicated by the teacher
Extended program The course will be divided into 2 parts during which the frequency constancy will be fundamental for a complete preparation, useful for acquiring the knowledge necessary to pass the final tests.

The first part of the course deals with the basic principles of three-dimensional modeling.
The second part of the course enters into the direct (visual and creative) use of the potential of modeling software.
The following software will be discussed in detail:
- McNeel Rhinoceros 7 for modeling
- KeyShot 8 or later for rendering
- Autodesk Mesmixer for 3D printing
- Cura for 3D printing
- generic interactions between the various software.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile This teaching contributes to the realization of the objectives ONU of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Code A000301
Teacher Benedetta Terenzi
  • Benedetta Terenzi
  • 72 ore - Benedetta Terenzi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Design e comunicazioni multimediali
Academic discipline ICAR/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction italian
Contents The course offers a methodological path that guides students to acquire a series of knowledge, tools and methods useful for the project activity.
The course offers a practical approach to the use of the project's tools, so that the student can become familiar with making conscious choices along all the stages of the design process.
The course's specific objective is to provide some methods of observation, research and reading of the design contexts, of the users, of the spaces and of the products, which allow to read the reality and translate the analyzed into elements useful for the design process. Elaborating all the research elements to make them input to a design process is the challenge that will guide students throughout the course.
The students will demonstrate the skills they have acquired by developing a project that will be assigned during the course and will involve a local company.
Reference texts Flaviano Celaschi, Alba Cappellieri, Alessandra Vasile, (2005) Lusso versus Design, FrancoAngeli, Milano
Rampino, L. (a cura di) (2008) L’impresa di successo. Il design e la competitività. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Trabucco F. (2015) Design. Milano, Bollati Boringheri
Gillo Dorfles, (1972) Introduzione al disegno industriale, P.B.E. Torino
Tomas Maldonado, (1977) La speranza progettuale, Einaudi
Tomas Maldonado, (2010) Arte e artefatti, Feltrinelli
Sacco Vittorio Amedeo (a cura di), (2019) La ceramica nel tempo, Pistoia, Gli Ori, 2019
Micelli Stefano, (2011) Futuro artigiano, Venezia, Marsilio.
Quadrio Curzio Alberto, Fortis Marco, (2000) Il made in Italy oltre il 2000. Innovazione e comunità locali. Bologna, Il Mulino
Benedetta Terenzi, (2016) Il design e gli animali. Tra zoomorfismo e animalier. Didapress, Firenze
Educational objectives The evaluation criteria will focus on the acquisition of some key skills (Dublin Descriptors) that the course intends to feed:
- analytical and sense-making skills (ability to use the tools and methods of research and analysis and synthesis)
- communication skills (verbal, visual and storytelling);
- systemic vision skills (thought organization, ability to manage the process phases,
- research and in-depth skills, problem solving skills);
- design skills (ability to organize work and use project development tools)
- autonomy, self-esteem, teambuilding and teamworking.
Prerequisites Knowledge of ISO standards and the ability to represent in 2D and 3D through the use of various tools. Use of graphics software.
Teaching methods The course includes a series of lectures, which are accompanied by meetings with local experts and professionals. In addition, two intermediate verification moments on the topics addressed will be scheduled.
Other information The course provides indications on the sources from which it is possible to draw indications and suggestions for the exercises and for the project. The sources are traditional (books, magazines, documents) and audio / video and will be enriched from time to time during the lessons.
The texts provided in the bibliography are the basic ones. For certain topics that the student will be interested in learning more about, he can provide additional learning resources.
Learning verification modality The exam will be carried out on the dates fixed in the exam timetable and includes an oral test and the presentation of the project drawings. The oral exam consists of an interview lasting no more than about 30 minutes to present the project's drawings to the committee.
Extended program The project path starts from the analysis of signals, trends (in materials, technologies and solutions), cultural changes, new behaviors of use and consumption, new phenomena of social aggregation, new needs linked to changing lifestyles, new relationships and skills cognitive, which can then be translated into input and then 'concept' of innovation, and subsequently into solutions (spaces, products, services).
Students will then be encouraged to develop a research and analysis path to intercept these signals, systematize them and make them become project inputs.
The research activity will allow to define the sense-making at the base of the project development of a concept and then of a "systemic product".
The course includes different types of meetings and lectures: both lectures with theoretical content and practical exercises will be offered, which are intended to test the use of project tools in practical contexts, confronting local production realities, according to the assigned project theme that will see the involvement of a local company.

The theoretical part is developed according to these areas:
• team work;
• the genesis of the design process;
• the phases of design thinking (ideation - ispiration - iteration)
• prototyping to make ideas visible
In developing a product project, making the concept immediately visible through a mock-up and a prototype is fundamental for verifying limits and opportunities for improving the project.
With the support of the 3D modeling and printing module, students will be stimulated to get to the prototyping phase which will be an opportunity for discussion with potential users, in a logic of iteration and design review typical of design thinking.

For each of these areas, references will be provided during the lessons:
- framework of the theme and bibliographical and theoretical references;
- case studies and good practices;
- tools and methodologies.

The work will be partly autonomous in part carried out in groups of three students. The groups are required to organize themselves internally, to actively participate in field research and to contribute to the decision-making process through collective brainstorming activities. Field research will be accompanied by bibliographic research and desk research.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Clean and affordable energy;
Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Sustainable cities and communities;
Responsible Consumption and Production; Acting for the Climate; Life on Earth.
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