- Course
- Design
- Study-unit Code
- A002531
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Raffaele Federici
- 8
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2024/25
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A002533 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Marina Dobosz |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | MED/43 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course starts from the general concept of disability and architectural barriers related to the terms of accessibility, visitability, adaptability, conditioned visibility, at the base of the problems encountered by people with disabilities, not just motor skills.The normative principles on architectural barriers relating to public and private property will be analyzed and how health protection is expressed towards individuals with disabilities of various kinds, in order to guarantee them the right of access to the life of the society, relative to Interior Design, Exhibit Design or Retail Design. |
Reference texts | 1. M. Dobosz, Principi di accessibilità, Gambini ed., 2021 2. G.i Del Zanna, Progettare l'accessibilita', Grafill 2005 3. L. Prestinenza Puglisi, Le barriere architettoniche, DEI 2005 |
Educational objectives | The objectives in reference to the areas of Interior Design, Exhibit Design and Retail Design are the following: 1. Starting from the concept of disability framed from a legal and social point of view, and moving on to the concept of accessibility in its various forms (visitation, adaptability, conditional accessibility) in order to reach the wider usability, including through the use of alternative and compensatory solutions and pathways of involvement and participation of the persons concerned and their associations. 2. To reduce the marginalisation surrounding the issue of accessibility, to overcome the vision of disability as a key identifier of individual problems and dedicated solutions; to improve well-being, comfort and quality of use. 3. to bring the current design practice back into the Universal Design principles, as required by the UN Convention on the Right of Persons with disabilities (Italian law n. 18/2009); 4. to enable students to carry out a final project: an idea, a solution, a prototype on an identified theme. |
Prerequisites | The modul Universal Design A or the Sociology exam must have been passed. |
Teaching methods | Lezioni frontali unite a seminari con esperti del settore. |
Other information | The student can chose the exam as a part of the modul Universal design B or as a choise exam if the modul is UD A. |
Learning verification modality | Oral exam or specific procedures in the case of students with special problems (DSA or other). The aestimated time is at least 20'. For information on support services for students with disabilities visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa Evaluation of a final project (idea, solution, prototype). |
Extended program | 1. The concept of disability - Legal and social framework (The right to health, the right to access to the life of society) - The National Observatory on the Status of Persons with Disabilities - The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: the Italian Law 03/03/09, n. 182. 2. Architectural barriers: general concepts - Accessibility, visitability, adaptability, conditioned visibility - Legal aspects _ Ergonomics and design 3. Overcoming the vision of disability as an individual problem - Accessibility and holidays: the "culturally skillful" project - Cohousing as a resource for disabled people - Cohousing: general principles - "Mongolfiera" and "Oasis" projects 4. Creation of a final product (an idea, a solution, a prototype) on a topic indicated by the professor |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | The goal is to design a society in which all people matter; it is necessary to move towards inclusion and the elimination of barriers that create inequality and marginalization. |
Code | A002532 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 5 |
Teacher | Raffaele Federici |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze economiche e sociali |
Academic discipline | SPS/08 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian/English |
Contents | The objective is to present complex and articulated communication projects on the various contact points between people and the world of design in order to to decode the elements and the languages of communication and the cultural contexts of reference. These objectives will be also specified toward understanding the inequalities |
Reference texts | R. Federici, Vivere d'arte. Sotto un cielo di stelle, prefazione di T. K. Kirova, Morlacchi University Press, Perugia, 2024 (nuova edizione ampliata) V. Flusser, Filosofia del Design, B. Mondadori, Milano, 2003. Letture consigliate: Gillo Dorfles, Artificio e Natura, Skira, Ginevra-Milano, 2003 |
Educational objectives | At the end of the course, students will be able to analyze complex communication problems in order to identify, among the various design solutions, the most suitable and effective one. They will also know correctly interpret the indications contained in the communication brief by communicating with the figures professionals involved in the creative process in a socially responsible perspective. |
Prerequisites | NO |
Teaching methods | Seminars Face-to-face lessons |
Other information | NO |
Learning verification modality | Face-to-face lessons |
Extended program | Where do the objects of our daily reality come from? There is a sudden synergy between the various social, economic, technical, cultural and institutional factors that combine to give life to a product and determine its success, in a process in which communication is connective and selective in a socially responsible perspective. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Social responsability fight against inequalities |