Economics and management
Study-unit Code
International business
Antonio Picciotti
  • Antonio Picciotti
  • Andrea Runfola (Codocenza)
  • 42 ore - Antonio Picciotti
  • 21 ore (Codocenza) - Andrea Runfola
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is divided into three parts: a) the assessment of international market opportunities, aimed at defining the main areas for international business activities; b) the development of international marketing strategies, with particular attention to entry modes in foreign markets, demand segmentation, and international positioning of the company; c) and the management of the international marketing mix, related to decisions on product, distribution, pricing, and promotion in foreign markets.
Reference texts
Ghauri P. and Cateora P.R., International Marketing, 5th Edition, 2022, McGraw-Hill.
In addition to the textbook, further material will be provided during the course.
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide specialized content related to international marketing decisions. In particular, the main knowledge that students will acquire includes: a) the role and effects that globalization generates on business activities in international markets; b) methods through which companies can enter and manage foreign markets; c) decisions taken by companies when they undertake growth strategies abroad.
The main skills that students will acquire and be able to apply are related to: a) methodologies for the selection and choice of foreign markets; b) the identification and evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of entry into foreign markets, considering the characteristics of individual companies; c) the management of marketing mix variables in international contexts.
In order to understand and be able to deal with the topics of the course, the student must know the basic notions of marketing, relating both to strategic marketing (segmentation and positioning strategies) and the marketing mix (product, distribution, price, and communication).
Teaching methods
The teaching method used includes:
Frontal lessons, which will focus on all issues relating to business activities on international markets, also with the discussion of experiences and business cases;
Seminars with managers of companies operating in international markets to facilitate understanding of the topics addressed during the course and to facilitate students' future professional placement;
Students will have the possibility to prepare works that will be presented and discussed in the classroom during the course.
Other information

Learning verification modality
Written exams with open-ended questions. Exam schedules are available on the Department of Economics webpage at www.econ.unipg.it.
Extended program
Introduction to international marketing.
Assessing International Market Opportunities
Developing International Marketing Strategies (International Market Entry Strategies; Segmentation and Positioning in International Markets, International Branding Strategies)
Managing International Marketing-mix (Product Decisions for International Markets, International Distribution and Retailing, Pricing for International Markets, International Promotion and Advertising, Personal Selling and Negotiations)
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