Optics and optometry
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Aldo Ferraresi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002489
Location TERNI
Teacher Eleonora Calzoni
  • Eleonora Calzoni
  • 28 ore - Eleonora Calzoni
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The molecular logic of life. Structure and function of proteins. Enzymes and principles of enzymatic catalysis. Carbohydrates. Lipids and biological membranes. Nucleic acids, transcription and translation (outline). Concepts of energy metabolism. Ocular metabolism, ocular fluids, ion channels, rhodopsins and opsins. Transduction of a light signal into a biological signal: cyclic sequence of biochemical reactions and molecules involved in the transformations that occur at the level of photoreceptor cells, processes of adaptation to darkness and light.
Reference texts Notes provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on the composition, structural and functional organization of biological macromolecules, with particular reference to the structure of proteins, the relationships between structure and function, the biochemical-cellular mechanisms of the vision process.
Teaching methods The course is articulated in
theoretical lessons
Learning verification modality Oral test to ascertain: i) the ability to understand the theoretical contents of the course (Dublin descriptor 1), ii) the ability to expose and correctly apply theoretical knowledge (Dublin descriptor 2), iii) Ability to autonomously formulate appropriate judgments and observations on possible alternative model (Dublin descriptor 3), iv) the ability in effective and pertinent written communication (Dublin 4 descriptor).
Extended program The molecular logic of life. Structure and function of proteins. Enzymes and principles of enzymatic catalysis. Carbohydrates. Lipids and biological membranes. Nucleic acids, transcription and translation (outline). Concepts of energy metabolism. Ocular metabolism, ocular fluids, ion channels, rhodopsins and opsins. Transduction of a light signal into a biological signal: cyclic sequence of biochemical reactions and molecules involved in the transformations that occur at the level of photoreceptor cells, processes of adaptation to darkness and light.


Code A002490
Location TERNI
Teacher Aldo Ferraresi
  • Aldo Ferraresi
  • 28 ore - Aldo Ferraresi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction: Introduction to Physiology - Concept of homeostasis. Biophysics of the neuron: Membrane transport - Cellular potentials - Electrical model of membrane - Electrical model of axonal conduction - Synapse - Synaptic integration - Synaptic learning. Physiology of visual perception: - Evolution of the eye - Functional anatomy of the eye - Eye dioptric means - Retina - Ocular adnexa - Optic pathways and primary visual cortex - Cortical processing of visual information (Dorsal pathway, Ventral pathway) - Ocular motility - Visual perception of space.
Reference texts Neuroscienze. Esplorando il cervello - Mark F. Bear - Barry W. Connors - Michael A. Paradiso - Edra, 2016
Fisiologia medica. Vol. 1 - a cura di Fiorenzo Conti - Edi. Ermes, 2020
Principi di neuroscienze - Eric R. Kandel - James H. Schwartz - Thomas M. Jessell - CEA, 2014
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge about the functioning of nerve cells, the structure of the visual apparatus, the function of its various components, with special reference to the processes of visual information transduction, its perception at the cortical level, and its role in the visual perception of space.
Prerequisites To address the topics related to the course a basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and human anatomyis required.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information None
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral test which consists of a discussion aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents indicated in the program (Introduction to Physiology - Biophysics of the neuron - Synaptic integration and learning - Transduction of visual information - Visual perception). The oral test will allow us to verify the student's communication skills and independent organization of the presentation . For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, please refer to the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Introduction: Introduction to Physiology - Concept of homeostasis. Biophysics of the neuron: Membrane transport - Cellular potentials - Electrical model of membrane - Electrical model of axonal conduction - Synapse - Synaptic integration - Synaptic learning. Physiology of visual perception: - Evolution of the eye - Functional anatomy of the eye - Eye dioptric means - Retina - Ocular adnexa - Optic pathways and primary visual cortex - Cortical processing of visual information (Dorsal pathway, Ventral pathway) - Ocular motility - Visual perception of space.
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