- Course
- Engineering management
- Study-unit Code
- A002929
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2024/25
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A002930 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Andrea Nicolini |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | ING-IND/10 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | English |
Contents | Thermodynamic systems. Pumps and compressors. Main thermodynamic power cycles. Compression and absorption refrigerating machines. Air conditioning and psychrometric diagram. Thermal conduction. Convection. Radiation. Thermal transmittance. Heat exchangers. |
Reference texts | 1. Handouts by the teacher 2. M. Felli: Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica 1: Termodinamica, Macchine, Impianti, Nuova edizione a cura di Francesco Asdrubali, Morlacchi editore, 2004 (in italian). 3. M. Felli: Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica 2: Trasmissione del Calore, Acustica, Tecnica dell'illuminazione, Nuova edizione a cura di Cinzia Buratti - Morlacchi editore, 2004 (in italian). 4. M.J.Moran, H.N.Shapiro, D.D.Boettner, M.B.Bailey: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley, 9th edition, 2018. |
Educational objectives | The course of Applied Thermodynamics and Thermal Management has the main aim of giving the students fundamentals about the main thermodynamic cycles, the components that allow to execute these cycles (heat exchangers, compressors, hydraulic pumps), the parameters for evaluating their energy performances. Furthermore, the course gives the students fundamentals about heat transfer and management, with the aim of highlighting their application to civil and industrial processes. The main acquired knowledge will be: 1. the characteristics of the main thermodynamic systems and their transformations. 2. the main modes and relations for the fluid motion. 3. the schemes and working cycles of thermal and refrigeration machines. 4. the main components of thermal and refrigeration machines. 5. the working parameters of different types of thermal and refrigeration machines. 6. the state diagrams useful in refrigeration. 7. the working schemes of the main air conditioning systems. 8. the existing heat transfer methods and their equations, useful for thermal exchange management. The main competence (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be: 1. Knowing how to calculate the energy efficiency of a thermal machine. 2. Being able to identify the cooling capacity of a refrigerating machine compatible with certain specifications. 3. Knowing how to calculate the efficiency of a refrigerating machine. 4. Being able to analyze the air treatments on the psychrometric chart. 5. Being able to identify the thermodynamic system most suitable for specific civil or industrial applications. 6. Knowing how to apply the heat transfer mathematical equations related to applicative cases. 7. Knowing how to apply the heat transfer mathematical equations for determining the performances of civil or industrial systems. |
Prerequisites | In order to understand and know how to apply most of the technologies described in the course, it is essential to know the basic principles of mathematical analysis (such as derivatives and integrals). |
Teaching methods | Methods of teaching Lesson hours: 54 Supports for Teaching and Learning: - Video projections of the lessons - Handouts by the teacher available on a website (Unistudium) - Recommended texts for the study Learning mode (in addition to the attendance of teaching activities): - Reading and personal study on material by the teacher available on a specific website (Unistudium) - Reading and personal study on reference books |
Other information | Frequency: recommended Location: Department of Engineering Calendar of didactical activities: Check the Department website (www.ing.unipg.it) |
Learning verification modality | The exam consists of an oral test, an interview of about 30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents indicated in the program. The student will be asked questions that will focus on the topics of the two macro-sectors that make up the course (which are applied thermodynamics and heat transfer/management). |
Extended program | 1. Applied Thermodynamics Laws of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic transformations. Entropy and enthalpy. State diagram of a pure substance. T-s, h-s, P-h state diagrams. Exergy. Open thermodynamic systems. Bernoulli and continuity equations. Fluid motion and hydraulic machines. Head losses. Moody chart. Hydraulic pumps, fans and compressors. Thermal machines and their main thermodynamic cycles (Otto cycle, Diesel cycle). Compression refrigerating machines: reverse Rankine cycle. Compression heat pumps. Absorption refrigerating machines. Absorption heat pumps. Air Conditioning. Psychrometric parameters. Psychrometric ASHRAE Chart. Air treatments. Full air conditioning systems. Primary air and fan coils systems. Description of an air conditioner. Fixed point regulation. 2. Heat Transfer and management Conduction. Thermal fields. Postulate and equation of Fourier. Multilayer flat wall. Flat wall with inner heat generation. Convection: phenomenon analysis. Boundary layer. Natural and forced convection. Dimensional analysis. Prandlt, Reynolds, Grashof and Nusselt numbers. Radiation. Radiative energy: laws, properties, absorption constant. Kirchhoff Law. Black body laws. Radiative properties of bodies. Greenhouse effect. Heat exchange between flat facing surfaces. Thermal resistance. Flat wall between two fluids: transmittance. Cavity wall. Opaque or glass wall exposed to solar radiation. Heat exchangers. Cooling of a body. Heat distribution. Thermo-insulation materials. Cooling fin. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | The aims of this course contribute to the realization of goals n.4, 7 and 11 of the UN Agenda 2020 for Sustainable Development. |
Code | A002931 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Francesco Di Maria |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | ING-IND/08 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | ENGLISH |
Contents | Turbomachines Energy Systems: External combustion plants Gas turbine engine plants. Gas-steam combined cycles Hydroelectric plants. Management of energy requirements: Electrical Energy requirements, management of energy systems |
Reference texts | 1. G. BIDINI, Macchine 1 Turbomacchine, Ed. Anteo, Perugia, 2010 2. G. BIDINI, Macchine 2 Macchine volumetriche, Ed. Anteo, Perugia, 2009. 3. G. BIDINI, Macchine 3 Sistemi energetici, Ed. Anteo, Perugia, 2011 4. G. BIDINI. Esercizi di impianti di conversione dell’energia, Ed Margiacchi-Galeno, Perugia, 2004 |
Educational objectives | Teaching is the first course systems and components of energy systems and of their management for the energy requirements The main goal of education is to provide students with the foundation for the design analysis and verification of operation of components and energy systems The main knowledge acquired will be: External combustion plants: Plants steam turbine engines. Simple cycles and improved. Regeneration. Parts of steam systems: condensers, degassing, regenerative heat exchangers. Steam generators: construction types. Gas turbine power plants. Simple cycle (Joule) ideal and real. Cycle regenerated. Cycles with compression intercooled and / or after combustion. Combined cycle gas-steam. Hydroelectric plants: Plant-river. Plants in the basin. Pumping systems. Wave power Typical electrical energy requirements. Management of energy systems for delivering the energy required. |
Prerequisites | In order to understand and know how to apply most of the techniques described in teaching need to have successfully supported the examination of Technical Physics. In addition, other topics covered in the module requires to have the ability to solve simple mass balance and energy and the ability to solve simple integrals and derivatives. |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follows Lectures on all the topics of the course. |
Other information | NA |
Learning verification modality | The exam includes an oral and / or written test. The oral exam in a discussion lasting about 30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and the understanding reached by the student on the theoretical and methodological implications listed in the program (internal combustion engines, turbo machinery, energy systems). The oral exam will also test the ability of communication with the student of language and autonomous organization of the exposure on the same topics in theoretical content. The written consist in the solution of two / three problems in computational nature and / or size of the plant and / or multiple-choice questions and / or open technical content and methodology of the program. The test has a duration of not more than 3 hours and is designed to test the ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the issues proposed and the ability to communicate in a written The test may also include, in addition to the high proof, nice discussion of a case study proposed by the teacher as a laboratory to one or more tests, carried out as a project carried out individually or in groups. In the discussion will explain the issues raised in the case assigned, the alternatives to the project, any regulatory environment, the methodology adopted, the analysis of the results obtained. The discussion can take advantage of a written report or about 10 slides and predict the demand for theoretical study and clarification of detail by members of the examination committee. The evidence as a whole allows us to ensure both the ability of knowledge and understanding, and the ability to apply the acquired skills and the ability to display, and the ability to learn and process solutions for independent judgment. |
Extended program | Main teaching units are: Turbomachines Turbomachines. Fluido-dynamic basic equations. turbines regulation. Gas turbines. Notes on hydraulic turbines. Axial and centrifugal compressors. Hydraulic machines (pumps). Teaching units: Energy Systems Teaching Subunit: External combustion plants Steam turbine engine plants. Energy management for steam turbine plants Teaching Subunit: Gas turbine engine plants. Energy management for gas turbine plants Teaching Subunit: Gas-steam combined cycles Energy management for combine cycle plants Teaching Subunit: Hydroelectric plants. Energy management for hydraulic plants Typical energy requirements profiles: Core energy requirements, peak energy requirements Meet the different energy requirements profiles with the different energy systems Management of energy systems for satisfying the energy requirements in the different periods |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | N. 7, 12, 13 |