Engineering management
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002909
Teacher Valentina Mariani
  • Valentina Mariani
  • Igor Neri (Codocenza)
  • 21 ore - Valentina Mariani
  • 33 ore (Codocenza) - Igor Neri
Learning activities Base
Area Fisica e chimica
Academic discipline FIS/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents Measurement, errors and Vectors
Motion in one dimension
Motion in two and three dimensions
Newton’s laws
Work and kinetic energy
Conservation of Energy
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Rotation and Angular momentum
Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Harmonic Motion
Reference texts Physics for Scientists and Engineers: With Modern Physics by Tipler, Paul A.; Mosca, Gene

Handsout available on UniStudium
Educational objectives Knowledge of the physical laws of mechanics, thermodynamics.
Capability of solving problems concerning mechanics, thermodynamics.
Prerequisites Good skills in algebra, geometry, trigonometry are required, as well a basic knowledge of the differential calculus
Teaching methods The course consists of face-to-face lectures on all subjects
Learning verification modality Written test with exercises and theory questions on first module subjects.
Extended program MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION: Displacement, Velocity, and Speed; Acceleration; Motion with Constant Acceleration;

MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration; Projectile Motion; Circular Motion

NEWTON’S LAWS: Newton’s First Law: The Law of Inertia; Force and Mass; Newton’s Second Law; Weight; Solids, Springs, and Strings; Newton’s Third Law; Friction; Drag Forces; Motion Along a Curved Path

WORK AND KINETIC ENERGY: Work Done by a Constant Force; Work Done by a Variable Force; Work–Kinetic-Energy Theorem;

CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: Potential Energy; The Conservation of Mechanical Energy; The Conservation of Energy; Mass and Energy; Quantization of Energy

CONSERVATION OF LINEAR MOMENTUM: Conservation of Linear Momentum; Kinetic Energy of a System; Collisions

ROTATION AND ANGULAR MOMENTUM: Rotational Kinematics; Rotational Kinetic Energy; Calculating the Moment of Inertia; Newton’s Second Law for Rotation; Rolling Objects; Torque and Angular Momentum; Conservation of Angular Momentum

GRAVITY: Kepler’s Laws; Newton’s Law of Gravity; Gravitational Potential Energy; The Gravitational Field

STATIC EQUILIBRIUM AND ELASTICITY: Conditions for Equilibrium; The Center of Gravity; Stability of Rotational Equilibrium; Stress and Strain

FLUIDS; Density; Pressure in a Fluid; Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle; Fluids in Motion

OSCILLATIONS: Simple Harmonic Motion; Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion; Damped Oscillations; Driven Oscillations and Resonance

THERMODYNAMICS: Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature; The Ideal-Gas Law; The Kinetic Theory of Gases; Heat Capacity and Specific Heat; First Law of Thermodynamics; The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas; Heat Capacities; Second Law
of Thermodynamics; Irreversibility, Disorder, and Entropy; Thermal properties and processes


Code A002910
Teacher Alessandra Luchini
  • Alessandra Luchini
  • 54 ore - Alessandra Luchini
Learning activities Base
Area Fisica e chimica
Academic discipline FIS/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents Waves
The Electric Field
Charge Distributions
Electric Potential
Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits
The Magnetic Field
Sources of the Magnetic Field
Magnetic Induction
Alternating-Current Circuits
Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
Properties of Light
Optical Images
Interference and Diffraction
Reference texts Physics for Scientists and Engineers: With Modern Physics by Tipler, Paul A.; Mosca, Gene

Handsout available on UniStudium
Educational objectives Knowledge of the physical laws of electromagnetism and waves.
Capability of solving problems concerning electromagnetism and waves.
Prerequisites Good skills in algebra, geometry, trigonometry are required, as well a basic knowledge of the differential calculus
Teaching methods The course consists of face-to-face lectures on all subjects
Other information
Learning verification modality Written test with exercises and theory questions on second module subjects.
Extended program - Oscillations and waves;
- Charges and electric field;
-continuous charge distributions;
-Electric potential;
- Capacitance
- Electric current and DC circuits;
- Magnetic field;
-sources of magnetic field;
-magnetic induction;
-Alternating current circuits;
- Maxwell's equations
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