Management and food italian culture
Study-unit Code
Turismo enogastronomico e culturale
Francesco Asdrubali
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A003254
Teacher Luigi Mundula
  • Luigi Mundula
  • 21 ore - Luigi Mundula
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline M-GGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The aim of the course is to explore, using the tools of geographical reasoning, the various elements of the food chain with particular reference to its sustainability. Food refers, in fact, to our attention to the weakest, to gender relations, to our openness to the world, to the condition of our laws, to our relationship with work, with nature, with the climate and with the animal world. Food speaks to us, better than anything else, of the inequalities between those, increasingly rare, who can still eat healthily and everyone else. Food is therefore, more than any other dimension of human activity, at the heart of the story. Therefore, in order to understand and to act on the future, the course aims to address the main aspects that accompany it by delving into how current systems of production, distribution and consumption work in order to understand whether we will be able to feed ten billion people in a healthy way without destroying the planet.
Reference texts - Brown L. (2012), 9 miliardi di posti a tavola, Edizioni ambiente
- Liberti (s. (2021) I signori del cibo, Edizioni Minimum fax

Non-attending students should add one of the following texts:
- Codignola A. (2020), Il destino del cibo, Feltrinelli
- Ventura F., Schiavelli A., Milone P. (2016), Direct food. Agricoltori e consumatori alla riconquista del mercato, Donzelli
- Giovanelli G. (2022), Le politiche urbane del cibo fra sostenibilità e crisi, Editricesapienza
- Mangano (2020), Lo sfruttamento nel piatto, Laterza
Educational objectives Knowledge and understanding
- Knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the food supply chain in the context of sustainable development.
Application of knowledge and understanding
- To be able to interpret the complex relationships, inherent in socio-territorial systems, that lead to the emergence and development of different types of territorial structuring.
Transversal competences
Communication skills
- Acquire appropriate scientific language and an ability to demonstrate argumentative aptitude and facility in illustrating the themes and issues of food geography.
Autonomy of judgement
- Develop their own critical views of the relationship between geographical space and the activities of the food supply chain.
Learning skills
- Develop the ability to independently integrate the theoretical bases provided for the analysis and interpretation of the food supply chain.
Prerequisites No prerequisites required
Teaching methods For attending students
Lectures with the aid of projected slides and videos in which the lecturer presents and clarifies the topics and content covered.

For non-attending students

Individual study on the reference texts and on a text of your choice from those indicated.

For students with DSA

Compensatory and/or dispensatory measures are envisaged for students with DSA, whose certification is filed with the Student secretariat. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis in order to adapt the programme to individual needs. For this purpose it is necessary to contact the teacher well in advance.
Other information The consultation should be arranged by sending an e-mail to the teacher's e-mail address (luigi.mundula@unistrapg.it).
Learning verification modality For attending students
- Written examinations on the course topics contained in the materials made available on the LOL platform and in the reference texts in order to assess the knowledge acquired.
- If you do not pass the exonerations or are not satisfied with the assessment obtained, you will have to take an oral test on the course topics in the reference texts and materials made available in order to assess the knowledge acquired.

For non-attending students

- oral test on the course topics contained in the reference texts and materials made available in order to assess the knowledge acquired.

For students with DSA

For students with DSA, whose certification has been deposited with the Student secretariat, the test methods will be adapted on a case-by-case basis to suit individual needs. For this purpose it is necessary to contact the teacher well in advance.
Extended program The following topics will be analysed:
- Overpopulation and resource scarcity
- Food security
- Land Grabbing
- Labour and Caporalato
- Food as a commodity: pork, soya, tuna and tomatoes
- Climate crisis and food systems
- Water. Primary food
- No longer food but fuel
- The new relationship models between producer and consumer
- Innovation and food. Experience the future
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 2- Zero hunger
3 - Health and well-being
10 - Reducing inequalities
12 - Responsible consumption and production


Code A003265
Teacher Francesco Asdrubali
  • Francesco Asdrubali
  • 42 ore - Francesco Asdrubali
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Aziendale
Academic discipline SECS-P/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Sustainability reports and certifications of small medium enterprises of the food sector.
Reference texts didactic materials will be distributed by the professor
Educational objectives orienting the management of small and medium-sized enterprises in the food sector towards more sustainable business models
Prerequisites basic economics and sustainable development concepts
Teaching methods conventional teaching; project works and case studies in small groups of students
Learning verification modality oral test, discussion of the project work
Extended program Sustainability and new quality models for institutions, bodies, organizations and businesses.
Corporate Sustainability. ESG certification, the three fundamental pillars: Environment, Social and Governance.
Environmental taxonomy and circular economy. The action plan for sustainable finance.
Sustainability reporting. Examples of environmental sustainability reports.
Environmental labels. Audit systems and environmental certification of production processes (ISO 14000, EMAS).
The sustainable management of small and medium-sized enterprises in the agri-food and catering sector. Energy efficiency and renewable sources: incentives, economic analysis and financial instruments.
Certifications, good practices, case studies.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 7-9-12
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