Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Domizia Donnini
  • Domizia Donnini
  • 20 ore - Domizia Donnini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Biology of ascomycetes mushrooms and truffles. Mycorrhiza and sporocarpi. Characteristics of the species of truffles marketable.
Ecology of the precious species of truffles. Symbiont plants, preparation of mycorrhizal plants in nurseries and related control and certification. Assessment of suitability of a site for truffle cultivation. Truffle planting: planning and realization. Techniques of cultivation of a truffle farm. Sector Plan of truffle supply chain and legislative problems of the sector.
Reference texts
Lecture notes provided by Teacher.
Bencivenga M., Baciarelli Falini L., 2012 Manuale di Tartuficoltura in Umbria. Regione dell'Umbria. Granetti B., Materozzi G., De Angelis A., 2005 Umbria terra di tartufi. Regione Umbria, Gruppo Micologico Ternano. MIPAAFT 2017 Piano di settore di Filiera del Tartufo.
Educational objectives
To transmit the knowledge and expertise in the field related to: characteristics and practical morphological identification of marketable species of truffles; knowledge of natural environments for the development of valuable truffles; preparation and control and certification of truffle plants; techniques for the project, realization and cultivation of a truffle farm.
Good knowledge of sistematic botany is required
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures on the topics listed in the program, practical lesson for the morphological identification of various species of truffles and visit to nursery producer of truffle plants, processing company and truffle farm.
Other information
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 11.00 to 13.00 by appointment with the teacher: email domizia.donnini@unipg.it
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Written tests of competence: open and multiple choice questions
Extended program
Biology of ascomycetes fungi and truffles: vegetative apparatus, haplodicariophytic ontogenetic cycle.
Mycorrhizae: symbiosis and morphology of ectomycorrhizae, morphological characteristics of identification. Sporocarps: peridium, gleba, spores and related ornamentation. Characteristics of marketable truffle species: morphology and identification of species, production season and aromatic characteristics.
Ecology of the precious species of truffles: soil, climate, vegetation, natural truffle beds, cultivation in the world. Symbiont plants used in nurseries, preparation of mycorrhizal plants in nurseries and related control and certification through the use of morphological method and biomolecular analysis. Assessment of a site's suitability for truffle cultivation: environmental analysis (soil, climate, crop history, surrounding flora and vegetation, stationary data). Truffle planting: design (choice of the plant/truffle combination, planting density) and implementation (soil preparation, squadron, planting of plants). Truffle cultivation techniques: irrigation, weeding, pruning, sporal inoculation. Sector Plan of truffle supply chain and regulatory issues of the sector.
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