Unit Labour History in Contemporary Age

Philosophy and ethics of relationships
Study-unit Code
Filosofia e storia
Paolo Raspadori
  • Paolo Raspadori
  • 36 ore - Paolo Raspadori
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline classiche, storiche, antropologiche e politico-sociali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
General section: radical changes experienced by the world of work in Italy from various points of view will be analysed from 1861 to 2000: composition and size of the workforce in different production sectors, organization of work, trade unions and trend of strikes. Monographic section: it will examine how, over the centuries, not only our production capacity and our impact on the environment, but also the very concepts of boredom, idleness and leisure have been radically transformed, following the changes dictated by ideologies, religions and scientific discoveries.
Reference texts
General section: Stefano Musso, Storia del lavoro in Italia dall'Unità a oggi, Venice, Marsilio, 2002. Monographic section: James Suzman, Lavoro. Una storia culturale e sociale, Milan, Il Saggiatore, 2020.
Educational objectives
It is expected that students, on one hand, learn the main changes that have transformed work in Italy in the long run and they use them as a tool to adequately interpret the phenomena that characterize the working reality today. On the other hand, it is expected that students are able to understand how the current idol of employment, considered almost a virtue, is a relatively recent evolution in our thousand-year history, which arose with the advent of agriculture and the emergence of cities, with the domestication of animals and, later, with the appearance of machines.
To be able to sufficiently understand the contents of the course, students must know the principal features of contemporary age. Furthermore, students must have learnt, during the years of high school, the basic knowledge of the major historical events and processes occurred in the West in the nineteenth and the twentieth century.
Teaching methods
The course consists of two parts. The former consists of lectures regarding issues of the general and monographic section described above. They will be enriched by audiovisual and film screenings and by the illustration of graphs and photos, presented in Power Point format. The later will be held in form of seminar, inviting students to choose a reading about a topic concerned with the monographic section and expose it through a classroom discussion (with or without the aid of a Power Point presentation).
Other information
To prepare the general and the monographic sections the attendance of lessons is strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
The course consists of a general section and a monographic section. To pass the first one, attending students must undergo an oral examination, of variable duration depending on the course of the examination itself. The interview aims to verify the levels of knowledge and understanding reached by students with regard to the themes of the general section and, at the same time, their capability to communicate with an appropriate language what they have learnt by the lessons and the reading of the recommended text. To pass the monographic section, instead, students must attend a seminar work, that will be held in the last phase of the course, where their capabilities of critical analysis and reworking of a written text (with regard to one or more topics about the monographic part) will be tested. Furthermore, students must be able to present the subject of that text to their colleagues and the teacher. Students not able to attend lessons must prove to have got the knowledge provided by the course in an oral exam, for what concerns both the general part and the monographic one.
Extended program
General section: radical changes experienced by the world of work in Italy from various points of view will be analysed from 1861 to 2000: composition and size of the workforce in different production sectors, organization of work, trade unions and trend of strikes. In particular, the course will retrace the curvy path in the direction of regulating and institutionalizing industrial relations, identifying the contents and modalities of the meeting-clash of labour and entrepreneurial working cultures. Monographic section: it will be examinated how our ancestors perceived themselves and the time available very differently respect to us. Specifically, it will examine how, over the centuries, not only our production capacity and our impact on the environment, but also the very concepts of boredom, idleness and leisure have been radically transformed, following the changes dictated by ideologies, religions and scientific discoveries.
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