Philosophy and ethics of relationships
Study-unit Code
Filosofia e storia
Stefania Zucchini
  • Stefania Zucchini
  • 72 ore - Stefania Zucchini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course program shown below is for 12 credits; for 9 credits and 6 credits see below "Programma esteso".
The course is divided into two parts, each corresponding to 6 credits: the first focuses on the medieval history of Europe (5th-15th centuries); the second on some specific topics.
The last 10 hours of teaching activity will be carried out in co-presence with Prof. Irace, professor of modern history, and will be dedicated to deepening the knowledge about the relationships between the Middle Ages and the modern age.
Reference texts
(12 cfu; 9 cfu; 6 cfu):
- Andrea Zorzi, "Manuale di storia medievale", Torino, UTET, 2016 or 2021.


- Dinora Corsi, Mulieres religiosae e mulieres maleficae nell’ultimo Medioevo, in «Non lasciar vivere la malefica». Le streghe nei trattati e nei processi (secoli XIV- XVII), a cura di Dinora Corsi e Matteo Duni, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2008, pp. 19-44;
- Maria Grazia Nico Ottaviani, «Exorcismata et incantationes» nella legislazione statutaria
umbra dei secoli XIII-XVI, in «Non lasciar vivere la malefica». Le streghe nei trattati e nei processi (secoli XIV- XVII), a cura di
Dinora Corsi e Matteo Duni, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2008, pp. 45-53.

BOOK (12 credits):
- Dinora Corsi, Diaboliche maledette e disperate.
Le donne nei processi per stregoneria (secoli XIV-XVI), Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2013.

IN ADDITION ONLY FOR NON ATTENDING STUDENTS (12 credits, 9 credits, 6 credits):

- Fonti medievali. Un'antologia, a cura di Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Amedeo Feniello e Christian Grasso, Roma, Carocci, 2017.
Educational objectives
Knowledge of medieval life's different aspects (politics, economy, society); knowledge of the main medieval sources and bibliography (D.D.1); ability to approach the peculiarities of the Middle Ages with a critical and scientific attitude; ability to recognize the causes and effects of specific events (D.D.2); ability to formulate questions and solve interpretive problems related Medieval Ages (D.D.3). The student will also receive some guidelines to approach to historical research (D.D.4-D.D.5).
The didactic activity in co-presence aims to deepen the knowledge and logical-critical skills possessed by the students in reference to the periodization of European history and in particular to the main characteristics of a age of transition, the fifteenth century.
Roman history's basic knowledge. Indeed the Middle Ages can be seen as a transformation of the classical and late antique world.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons that will be given in the presence (on campus) and / or distance lessons through the e-learning platform Teams, on the basis of the indications approved by the Ministry of the University and the University of Perugia in reference to "phase 3" of the health emergency caused by Covid-19.
Other information
More information and teaching materials can be found on the Unistudium platform:
https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php to the page dedicated to Medieval history (prof.ssa S. Zucchini).

- Students of "Degree course in Humanities" can write a short dissertation to which the teacher will assign a score of 3 credits. The work will have to be agreed with the teacher.
Learning verification modality
The lessons include online exercises on the institutional part; in a subsequent oral test, which will be held in one of the usual exam sessions, the knowledge of the institutional part and the monographic insights provided.
The oral exam will consist of an interview lasting up to 30 minutes.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
The Medieval History course is divided into different modules depending on the degree courses.

The 12 cfu course (72 h) includes two modules: the first on the institutional part (6 cfu), the second on specific topics of medieval history (6 cfu). For the second part of the course, the study of the proposed book in the "Testi di riferimento" section is required.

The 9-credit (54 h) course also has two modules: the first on the institutional part (6 cfu), the second on specific topics of medieval history (3 cfu). For the second part of the course, the study of 2 proposed essays in the "Testi di riferimento" section is required.

The 6 cfu course (36 h) provides a single module on the institutional part.

All non-attending students, of any degree course, must add "Fonti medievali. Un'antologia", ed. by Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Amedeo Feniello and Christian Grasso, Roma, Carocci, 2017 (see the "Testi di riferimento" section).
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