Philosophy and ethics of relationships
Study-unit Code
Filosofia e psicologia
Marco Milella
  • Marco Milella
  • 36 ore - Marco Milella
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The conceptual dimension of the “border” and of the dialogue among religions;
the intercultural and intracultural specifics of migrant processes either in reality or in metaphor of formative processes.
Reference texts
Toni Morrison, The Origin of Others, Harvard University Press, 2017.
Recommended text for foreign students: ALLPORT G., The Nature of Prejudice,Cambridge, Cambridge UP., 1954.
Educational objectives
The main aim of this teaching is to provide the students with the knowledge and the tools to frame the relational dimension of intercultural formation and to be able to conceive and project at least a planning application in a formative field.
The main skills the students will acquire are:
To understand the deception of the “races”;
To analyse the conceptual dimension of the “border” and of the dialogue among religions;
To analyse the intercultural and intracultural specifics of migrant processes either in reaiity or in metaphor of formative processes.
The main skills which will enable the students to apply the acquired knowledge will be:
to perceive the “foreigner within us”;
to exercise the imaginative capacity as precondition for the ability to “be in someone’s shoes”.
In order to be able to understand and to know how to tackle the course students must have the tools and the notions of a three-year degree preferably in the humanities (literature, history, philosophy etc.) as well as the willingness:
- to ask others and themselves new questions;
- to take an active and involving part in the lessons;
- to exercise curiosity;
- if attending, to keep the “formative agreement” explained at the beginning of the lessons.
Teaching methods
The course will be organized in the following way:
lectures and lessons in circle concerning the above mentioned topics;
organization of the students in one learning group subdivisible into exemporary working groups;
projections of films, videos and documentaries used as starting points and as training ground for work groups in order to apply what explained in the lessons.
Other information
Students who are not attending are required to make contact with the teacher before taking the exam.
Learning verification modality
During the lessons the occasion of evaluation and self-evaluation will depend on the students willingness:
to ask others and themselves new questions;
to take an active and involving part in the lessons;
to exercise curiosity;
if attending, to keep the “formative agreement” explained at the beginning of the lessons.
For the attending students the exam includes a written test at the end of the lessons consisting in answering to three open questions regarding the topics dealt with during the course and examined in depth through the recommended texts. Such a test has a duration of two hours. For the attending students such a test will come after an evaluation and self-evaluation test which will be used to average the mark only if the mark obtained can favourably influence the mean achieved in association with the result of the following and unavoidable written test.
For the students openly not attending the exam includes a final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview about the topics quoted in the previous item and examined in depth through the recommended texts. The duration of the oral test varies according to the performance of the test itself.
All the tests aim at ascertaining the level of knowledge and the capacity of understanding, as well as of synthesis achieved by the students.
Extended program
To understand the deception of the “races”;
To analyse the conceptual dimension of the “border” and of the dialogue among religions;
To analyse the intercultural and intracultural specifics of migrant processes either in realiity or in metaphor of formative processes.
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