Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Assunta Morresi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 55A01409
Teacher Assunta Morresi
  • Assunta Morresi
  • 73 ore - Assunta Morresi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline CHIM/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents Cells and tissues cryopreservation: national and international  laws.  Biobanking. Cryopreservation: chemical physics aspects and experiments. Spectroscopic techniques.  Utilized protocols. Some examples.
Reference texts given by the prof.: scientific articles, text of laws, chapters of books
Educational objectives basis knowledge of spectroscopy; knowledge of european directives about cells and tissues; basic knowledge about cryoconservation; acquire skills in interpreting legislation and design of experiments aimed at cryopreservation
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods Traditional oral presentation, face-to-face - Theoretical lessons and pratical training
Other information Class attendance is optional but strongly advised
Learning verification modality It is considered the ability to expose orally concepts and rationale of chemical-physical techniques presented during the course. It is also assessed the ability to organize and expose governance elements of biobanks and related issues.
Extended program Cells and tissues cryopreservation: basic issues in bioethics (Oviedo Convention); international legal cases (Moore, Canavan, Catalona) national and international  laws (Directives 2004/23/CE;2006/17/CE; 2006/86/CE; d. lgs. 191/2007; 16/2010 and subsequent updates).  Biobanking: network organization and governance. Cryopreservation: chemical physics aspects and experiments. Spectroscopic techniques: electronic and vibrational spectroscopy, microscopy and imaging experiments. State of art: utilized protocols and problems. Examples: hematopoietic cells, gametes, embryos. Elements of Science Fiction


Code 55A01506
Teacher Daniele Fioretto
  • Daniele Fioretto
  • 47 ore - Daniele Fioretto
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline per le competenze professionali
Academic discipline FIS/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents Constituents of biological matter and their interactions. Aggregation and self-assembly. The biomacromolecules. Viscoelasticity and bioreology. Phase transitions, glass transition and processes involved in cryopreservation protocols. Elements of wave optics and quantum mechanics to understand the experimental methods of molecular biophysics, such as protein crystallography, photocorrelation spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy, spectroscopic imaging techniques, STM and AFM microscopy.
Reference texts Lecture notes, articles and chapters of textbooks suggested therein.
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge to understand the theoretical fundamentals and some experimental methods of molecular biophysics, also in view of their application in cryopreservation.
The main knowledge gained will cover:
- Constituents of matter and their biological interactions. Aggregation and self-assembly. Biomacromolecules. Viscoelasticity and bioreology. Phase transitions and glass transition.
- Principles and potential of some experimental methods of molecular biophysics, such as protein crystallography, spectroscopy photocorrelation and Brillouin spectroscopy, spectroscopic imaging techniques, the STM and AFM microscopy
The main skills that the course aims to convey are:
- To know how to use the fundamental physical laws to interpret some basic aspects of the structure, dynamics and function of biological molecules
- To know how to analyze some spectroscopic experiments typical of molecular biophysics, knowing their potential and limits.
Prerequisites Baisc Chemistry, Physics and Molecular Biology
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons on all topics covered by the course and laboratory experiments regarding photocorrelation spectroscopy, Brillouin, and Raman spectroscopic imaging.
Other information
Learning verification modality The exam consists in the presentation of individual seminars by students on topics regarding to the course, and an oral exam.
The oral exam in a discussion lasting about 30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge on technical content and methodology of the course (the constituents of matter and their biological interactions. Aggregation and self-assembly. Biomacromolecules. Viscoelasticity and bioreology. Phase trasitions and glass transition. Principles and potential of some experimental methods of molecular biophysics, such as protein crystallography, photocorrelation spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy, spectroscopic imaging techniques, STM and AFM microscopy. Cryopreservation of cells and tissues: overall regulatory framework, national and international. Biobanks. The problem of cryopreservation: chemical and physical aspects. Chemical-physical investigation techniques). The oral exam will also test the student communication skills and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program Elements of biological soft matter physics.
Constituents of biological matter and their interactions. Aggregation and self-assembly. Biomacromolecules. Viscoelasticity and bioreology. Phase transitions, glass transition and processes involved in cryopreservation protocols.
Elements of wave optics.
Electromagnetic waves. Interference, and diffraction. Bragg's law.
Experimental methods: Protein crystallography. Photocorrelation spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy.
Elements of quantum mechanics
Solution of the Schrödinger equation in some notable cases: potential barrier, potential well, harmonic oscillator.
Experimental methods: STM and AFM for biological applications. Vibrational spectroscopies and their biophysical applications.
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