- Course
- Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
- Study-unit Code
- A000553
- Curriculum
- Gestione dei rischi sociali
- Teacher
- Rosita Garzi
- Teachers
- Rosita Garzi
- Hours
- 54 ore - Rosita Garzi
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2020
- Offered
- 2020/21
- Academic discipline
- SPS/09
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course explores the sociological and cultural approach to the problem of safety in the workplace, highlighting the importance of prevention, quality of working life and organizational well-being, as an objective to be pursued within the workplace, in order to contain risks.
Starting from the analysis of the social change and the transformations of work in the contemporary market, the concept of risk linked to the new forms of post-Fordist work, the concepts of psychological and social risk (work-related stress, mobbing and burn-out) is explored in depth, before moving on to the analysis of the current legislation on safety at work, the importance of prevention, the internal climate, the quality of working life and the construction of an environment that is neither discriminatory nor conflictual. The organisational aspects of safety at work are also examined in depth through the study of human resource management, organisational communication, training and the evaluation of people's potential.
Finally, we study the existing interactions between the evolution of cultures and organizational models, the development of human resources management policies, in a perspective of greater autonomy, participation and shared responsibility in matters of safety at work. - Reference texts
- Garzi R., Cappello S., Fazzi G., Zamaro N., Benessere, sicurezza e motivazione nelle organizzazioni, Angeli, Milano 2018.
Cipolla C., M. Mezzetti, L. Veneri (a cura di), Sicurezza e salute sul lavoro, quale cultura e quale prassi?, Angeli, Milano 2015.
Alternatively in english
Garrett Morgan, Images - Educational objectives
- The course aims to provide the knowledge base of job security and encourage the acquisition of sociological and cultural skills in the management and prevention of safety in the workplace. The main knowledge that students acquire at the end of the course is linked to the central theme of the course.
In particular
- Knowledge of the main socio-economic transformations of the contemporary labour market and of the risks of social exclusion and precariousness;
- Knowledge of the main Italian regulations and of the different figures who are called upon to deal with safety in the workplace;
- knowledge of prevention and the main psychological and social risks at work
- knowledge of the concept of quality of working life, organisational well-being and organisational climate and culture;
- knowledge of the main theories of Human Resources management and of the methods of conflict prevention and management;
- knowledge of organisational communication and of the phases of the training processes.
The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge are:
- measure levels of well-being at work and design a positive action plan;
- prepare a plan for the analysis of training needs and design a plan of training actions on the theme of job security. - Prerequisites
- In order to better understand the contents developed during the course, the student must be familiar with the main sociological theories and the main models of work organization.
- Teaching methods
- The course is structured in frontal lessons, scientific seminars, and where possible also in laboratory activities.
- Other information
- Le lezioni si svolgeranno presumibilmente il I semestre e avranno luogo presso la sede distaccata di Narni in collegamento videoconferenza con la sede di Perugia dove si trova la professoressa (DA CONFERMARE CAUSA PANDEMIA DA COVID 19).
- Learning verification modality
- The exam consists of a final oral test, structured in the form of an interview on the topics covered during the lessons and in-depth on the recommended texts. The final exam is a tool to verify the knowledge learned, the skills acquired and ascertain the levels of deepening.
Students who wish, in agreement with the teacher, can present a personal (or group) work of scientific study on one of the topics developed in the classroom; this work will be evaluated as an intermediate exemption.
Those who need information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSAs can find useful information at http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa. - Extended program
- The course explores the sociological and cultural approach to the issue of safety in the workplace, highlighting the importance of prevention, quality of working life and organizational well-being, as an objective to be pursued within the workplace, in order to contain risks.
Starting from the analysis of the social change and the transformations of work in the contemporary market, the concept of risk linked to the new forms of post-Fordist work, the concepts of psychological and social risk (work-related stress, mobbing and burn-out) is explored in depth, before moving on to the analysis of the current legislation on safety at work, the importance of prevention, the internal climate, the quality of working life and the construction of an environment that is neither discriminatory nor conflictual. The organisational aspects of safety at work are also examined in depth through the study of human resource management, organisational communication, training and the evaluation of people's potential.
Finally, we study the existing interactions between the evolution of cultures and organizational models, the development of human resources management policies, in a perspective of greater autonomy, participation and shared responsibility in matters of safety at work.
The course aims to provide the knowledge base of job security and encourage the acquisition of sociological and cultural skills in the management and prevention of safety in the workplace. The main knowledge that the students acquire at the end of the course is linked to the central theme of the course.
In particular
- Knowledge of the main socio-economic transformations of the contemporary labour market and of the risks of social exclusion and precariousness;
- Knowledge of the main Italian regulations and of the different figures who are called upon to deal with safety in the workplace;
- knowledge of prevention and the main psychological and social risks at work
- knowledge of the concept of quality of working life, organisational well-being and organisational climate and culture;
- knowledge of the main theories of Human Resources management and of the methods of conflict prevention and management;
- knowledge of organisational communication and of the phases of the training processes.
The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge are:
- measure levels of well-being at work and design a positive action plan;
- prepare a plan for the analysis of training needs and design a plan of training actions on the theme of job security.