Environment and workplace prevention techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003884
Teacher Andrea Nicolini
  • Andrea Nicolini
  • 20 ore - Andrea Nicolini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro
Academic discipline ING-IND/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Basics of thermodynamics and heat transfer. Air conditioning and treatment. Thermohygrometric comfort. Environmental impact: olfactory, acoustic, lighting. Global pollution.
Reference texts - Handouts by the teacher
- Mauro Felli, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica I, Termodinamica, macchine, impianti, a cura di Francesco Asdrubali, Ed. Morlacchi
- Mauro Felli, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica II, Trasmissione del calore, Acustica, Tecnica dell'Illuminazione, a cura di Federico Rossi, Ed. Morlacchi.
Educational objectives The Environmental Applied Physics module has the main objective of providing students with fundamental knowledge on environmental comfort and impacts due to different types of polluting sources (odors, noise, light radiation). In addition, students are provided with the fundamental notions of thermodynamics, the basic concepts of heat transfer and the air treatments that characterize air conditioning plants.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
1. the methods of heat transfer and their characteristics.
2. The main configurations of air conditioning plants and the air treatments that characterize them
3. Methods and parameters for evaluating thermohygrometric comfort.
4. Methods of assessing the odor impact.
5. the main acoustic parameters and the evaluation indexes of the noise disturbance
6. The parameters for evaluating light comfort.
The main skills (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be:
1. to be able to identify thermohygrometric comfort problems in closed and open environments.
2. how to identify problems of environmental pollution in the workplace.
3. how to estimate the effects of noise sources in closed and open environments.
4. how to identify problems of light comfort.
Prerequisites No specific prerequisites.
Teaching methods Methods of teaching
Lesson hours: 20
Supports for Teaching and Learning
- Video projections of the lessons
- Educational materials distributed by the teacher
- Recommended texts for the study
- Handouts available on web site
Learning mode (in addition to the attendance of teaching activities)
- Reading and personal study on material given by the teacher
- Reading and personal study on online material made available by the teacher
- Reading and personal study on reference books
Other information -
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test, with an open question and a series of multiple choice questions. The questions will focus on the topics covered during the lessons. The open question can be replaced by the writing of an in-depth text on a topic covered by the lessons.
Extended program 1) Fundamentals of thermodynamics:
Measurement units of SI. Thermodynamic parameters. Closed and open thermodynamic systems. State variables. Phase law. P-v Clapeyron plane. Laws of thermodynamics. Zero law and concept of temperature (thermal equilibrium). First law and energy conservation. Machines. Efficiency. Second law and quality of energy. Entropy. T-s Entropic plane. Enthalpy. Exergy.
2) Heat transfer.
Mode of heat transfer. Conduction. Convection. Irradiation. Adduction. Thermo-insulating materials. Application examples in civil construction cases (single-layer, multi-layer, with and without internal heat generation, glass walls).
3) Thermo-hygrometric comfort.
Thermo-hygrometric balance of the human body. Metabolism. Thermal resistance of clothing. Global indices of comfort: PMV and PPD. Causes of local discomfort.
4) Air conditioning.
Psychrometric parameters: specific humidity, relative humidity, dew point and wet bulb temperature. Measurement equipment: psychrometer. Psychrometric chart. Air treatments: summer treatment and winter treatment of humid air in an all-air system. Description of an air conditioning plant.
5) Environmental phenomena and main effects on human health.
Analysis of environmental phenomena typical of anthropized environments (e.g. urban heat island, atmospheric pollution, heat waves, etc.) and main consequences on human health (e.g. respiratory diseases, mortality rate, etc.) due to the variation of the climate and sensitivity of the population. Other global pollution problems. Olfactory impact, dynamic olfactometry.
6) Lighting.
Visual comfort. Lighting design: objectives. Lighting design for closed environments: total flow method. Basics of the point-to-point method. Lighting measurements: limits and illumination uniformity, color temperature and luminance distribution. Measurement equipment: luxmeter-colorimeter and luminance meter. Legislation and technical regulations.
7) Acoustics
Acoustic parameters and relative levels. Acoustic spectra. Frequency bands: octaves and thirds of an octave. Sound propagation. Reverberation. Absorption, reflection and transmission of acoustic energy. Sound absorption: porous sound absorbing panels, absorbent resonant perforated panels and vibrating panels. Sound insulation: sound insulation power and mass law. Sound and noise. Qualitative aspects of auditory sensation. Noise disturbance evaluation indices. “A” weighted sound pressure level. Normal audiogram. "A" weighting curve. Continuous equivalent “A” weighted sound level. Elements of psychoacoustics: effects of noise on humans, shifting of the hearing threshold. Measurement equipment: sound level meter. Legislation and technical regulations.


Code 50590902
Teacher Marco Dell'omo
  • Marco Dell'omo
  • 20 ore - Marco Dell'omo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro
Academic discipline MED/44
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Occupational diseases due to physical risk factors: noise, vibrations, biomechanical overload of upper arms and trunk.
Occupational and environmental diseases of respiratory and peripheral nervous system.
Tobacco smoke in the workplace
Reference texts L. Alessio, G. Franco, F. Tomei. Trattato di medicina del lavoro. Piccin Ed., Padova, 2015
Educational objectives The learning outcomes are compliant with the provisions of the Degree Programme Regulations as published on the website: http: //www.med.unipg.it/ccl

The main knowledge that students will acquire include the:
- pathophysiological and clinical aspects of occupational diseases cause by noise, vibration and biomechanical overload;
- pathophysiological and clinical aspects of respiratory and peripheral nervosus system occupational diseases;
- epidemiology, effects on health, treatment and prevention of tobacco smoke in the workplace
Prerequisites In order to be able to learn and apply in practice the principles of occupational medicine, it is useful that the student:
- has passed the examinations of physiology and pathology.
Teaching methods The course will include lectures on all topics of the program.
Other information //
Learning verification modality The exam will mainly concern on the issues of occupational medicine that were covered during the formal lectures
The exam will consist of one written test (open and closed answers)
Extended program Diseases caused by physical agents (eg, noise, vibrations, biomechanical overload of the upper limb and trunk).Occupational lung diseases (Chronic obstructive lung disease caused by dusts, gases, vapors, and fumes. Work-related asthma. Hypersensitivity pneumonia.
Silicosis and asbestosis).
Epidemiology, effects on health, treatment and prevention of tobacco smoke in the workplace
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