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Federazione IDEM

Università degli studi di Perugia is joining the IDEM federation (IDEntity Management for Federation Access) of the GARR network. IDEM it is the first Authorization and Authentication Infrastructure (AAI) that involves scientific and academic institutions, web services and contents providers.



The main aim of IDEM is to make user authentication and authorization safer to easily access services and contents.

Joining IDEM provides users with the convenience of using institutional login information to access all the resources available through the Federation.

Unlike traditional mode, where every service requires specific users credentials, federated mode allows users to access every authorized service using the same username/password.

modTradizionale modFederata

Please Note: After authentication procedures, Service Provider (SP) may require further user’s information; Please read carefully the information note  (privacy) before accessing a resource of the IDEM federation.



GARR: Federazione IDEM –

Available resources list -

IDEM members list -


Technical notes

IDEM mainly uses shibboleth, a framework based on the SAML 2.0 standard to establish mutual trust relations within community members.

Universita' degli studi di Perugia server authentication certificate, to enable credential verification (Identity Provider)  is:


  • Certification Authority: GEANT OV RSA CA 4

  • SHA1 Fingerprint= 83 30 DD 47 DA C5 61 8F F1 CF FB 69 F2 6B D3 D6 4E 17 38 17

  • Exp. date: Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 1:59:59 AM



Please note that federated IT services access is regulated by the institution (University, institute, etc.) providing the service.

For further technical information or to request assistance, please send an e-mail to

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