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Users Attribute Release Policy and Procedure (Privacy Policy)

Università degli Studi di Perugia Identity Provider (IDP), in accordance with IDEM Privacy Policy (regulation), supplies the Service Provider (SP), when requested, only with strictly necessary users information (attributes).

Attribute specification are available at and main attributes provided to Service Provider (SP) are below described.

In order to ensure a more efficient privacy management, during the access to a Service Provider, only required attributes will be highlighted and only upon acceptance will be possible to use the service itself.



  • Last Name
  • State: Recommended
  • Example: ROSSI


  • Name
  • State: Recommended
  • Example: MARIO

Attributecn (commonName)

  • Name followed by Last Name
  • State: Recommended
  • Example: MARIO ROSSI


  • e-Mail address
  • State: Recommended
  • Example:

AttributeeduPersonScopedAffiliation (ePSA)

  • Indicate the affiliation of the user with his/her home organization
  • State: Mandatory
  • Example:;;

AttributeeduPersonTargetedID (ePTID)

  • Persistent anonymous identifiers for the user, one for each different service
  • State: Mandatory
  • Calcolato nella forma: [organizzazione]![servizio]![stringa opaca]
  • Example:!!53694456-da65-4bcd-b280-e98a0a5ce786


  • Persistent anonymous identifiers for the user, one for each different service (backward compatibility)
  • State: Recommended

AttributeeduPersonPrincipalName (ePPN)

  • Persistent unique identifier for the user
  • State: Recommended
  • Example:

AttributeeduPersonEntitlement (ePE)

  • One or more URIs (either URN or URL), agree with the service provider, generally used to indicate a set of right to a specific resources
  • State: Recommended (if applicable)
  • Example:


  • Name followed by Last Name
  • State: Optional  - interoperability between edugain federations
  • Esempio: MARIO ROSSI


  • The legal corporate name of the home organization
  • State: Optional
  • Esempio: dc='Universita' degli studi di Perugia", dc="unipg", dc="it"


  • The fully qualified domain name of the person's organisation
  • State: Optional - interoperability between eduGain federations
  • Esempio:


  • Identifies the type of organisation specified in the person's schacHomeOrganization attribute
  • State: Optional - interoperability between eduGain federations
  • Esempio: urn:schacHomeOrganizationType:it:university
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