- Corso
- Filosofia e scienze e tecniche psicologiche
- Codice insegnamento
- A003047
- Curriculum
- Comune a tutti i curricula
- Docente
- John Lawrence Dennis
- Docenti
- John Lawrence Dennis
- Ore
- 72 ore - John Lawrence Dennis
- 12
- Regolamento
- Coorte 2023
- Erogato
- 2023/24
- Attività
- Base
- Ambito
- Fondamenti della psicologia
- Settore
- M-PSI/01
- Tipo insegnamento
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Tipo attività
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Lingua insegnamento
- Contenuti
- 1. Introduzione alla psicologia moderna¿: Psicologia delle funzioni vs. psicologia costruzionista. Storia delle teorie moderne sulla natura del cervello e della mente. Elementi di storia della psicologia moderna. La psicologia come scienza. Metodi e misurazioni statistiche.
Module 2
4. Le funzioni della mente:¿ Processi sensoriali e percezione; Coscienza; Apprendimento e Condizionamento; La memoria: processi, modelli e amnesie; Il pensiero e il linguaggio; La motivazione; Le emozioni; L’intelligenza
For 6 CFU, the student must complete all weekly quizzes. The grade will be the average of these quizzes.
Per sotto CFU, lo studente può scrivere una tesina su uno degli articoli sulla lista di Influential Articles in Psychology - che sta sull'Unistudium.
Slides for this year will be uploaded on Unistudium. All slides from previous years are currently available on Dropbox ( They are included there so that you can see how my thoughts have developed over time.
During the course, scientific experiments conducted by researchers, PhD candidates, or graduates will be carried out, requiring voluntary participation from course students. Participation in experiments will entitle students to a number of credits equal to the duration of the experiments they have participated in, which can be combined with the score obtained in the written exam. Dates and themes of the experiments will be communicated in class as they occur.
During the course, a research project related to the topics you are studying will be carried out. This project will be a PRISMA systematic review. Please refer to the course page on Unistudium for a description of this project. - Testi di riferimento
- Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., Vliek, M., Passer, M.W., Smith, R. E. (2019). Psychology: Capire la mente osservando il comportamento (Tutti i capitoli).
Slides del corso disponibili sull'Unistudium. - Metodi didattici
- Lezioni frontali relative al programma.
Progetti di gruppo - in linea con ‘l’insegnamento capovolto’ (flipped classroom).
Per visualizzare la discussione su questo metodo all'Universita` del Texas a Austin, si puo` visitare il seguente link ¿
La frequenza non e` obbligatoria ma assolutamente consigliata. - Altre informazioni
- Slides Slides for this year will be uploaded on Unistudium. All slides from previous years are currently available on Dropbox ( They are included there so that you can see how my thoughts have developed over time.
Experiments During the course, scientific experiments conducted by researchers, PhD candidates, or graduates will be carried out, requiring voluntary participation from course students. Participation in experiments will entitle students to a number of credits equal to the duration of the experiments they have participated in, which can be combined with the score obtained in the written exam. Dates and themes of the experiments will be communicated in class as they occur.
Group Project During the course, a research project related to the topics you are studying will be carried out. This project will be a PRISMA systematic review. Please refer to the course page on Unistudium for a description of this project. - Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
- During the course, the student must answer 10 multiple-choice questions - 4 options, every week. The test duration is 20 minutes. Grades are on a scale of 30 points. Only correct answers are evaluated (+1 = correct answer // -0.25 = incorrect answer // 0 = unanswered) based on the content of the mandatory exam materials (see: "Required Texts" in the Exam Program). The online quiz can be completed via a PC only in the classroom or at the LIDU. The quiz will be displayed on UNISTUDIUM on a single page, and it will start as soon as the password is entered. All students must use Safe Exam Browser to access the link for all quizzes.
To be admitted to the written exam, the student must pass a quiz with 30 questions in 30 minutes with a score of 18 points. The end-of-course quiz follows the same format as the quizzes during the course.
The student must answer a subset of questions (typically 2 or 3) out of 4 or 6 questions. Answers must contain a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words. Responses are not solely based on your ability to memorize information, but on your ability to apply that information to real problems. Exams will be graded in approximately 7 working days. Grades are on a scale of 30 points. The written exam will be displayed on UNISTUDIUM on a single page, and the exam will begin as soon as the password is entered. All students must use Safe Exam Browser to access the link for the written exam.
"""Students with at least 23 in the course can increase their grade by a maximum of 3 points by presenting an article from the list ""Influential Articles in Psychology - Update as of 30.01.24,"" on Unistudium.
You have 6 minutes to present the article, after which the professor will ask questions for 4 minutes. The presentation must be done using software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. Students must write their answers to these questions using software such as Word or Google Docs.
During the 6-minute presentation, you will need to answer these questions:
1) What was the main question of the article in one sentence?
2) What was done/discussed, and what did they find?
3) How does it connect to other things you know?
4) Which part do you find useful/critical?
NOTE: To schedule an appointment, use the shared Calendly link on Unistudium.
If you take the oral exam, you cannot lower the initial grade of the course. The questions I will ask will only concern the article. The presentation and answers to these questions must be shared before the oral exam. The exam takes place on Teams. The professor will call the student at the scheduled time." - Programma esteso
- Il ricevimento ¿si effettua in modalita` a distanza tramite la piattaforma Microsoft Teams. Si prega sempre di prenotarsi via il link su calendly - Durante l’orario di ricevimento, collegarsi alla piattaforma Teams dove, se prenotati, sarete chiamati all’orario della prenotazione.
Il voto finale sara` composto di 3 parti:
1. Lavoro di gruppo 20%
2. Quiz settimanale 20%
3. Esame scritto alle fine del corso 60%
Per sostenere la prova scritta finale lo studente dovra` prenotarsi su SOL 7 giorni prima dell’esame.
Gli studenti provenienti da altri corsi di laurea che desiderano sostenere Psicologia generale come Esame a scelta dello studente per ¿12¿ CFU devono:
1) frequentare le lezioni che si tengono nel I semestre di ogni anno accademico;
2) inviare una email di richiesta al prof. John Lawrence Dennis (¿¿);
3) attenersi strettamente al programma d’esame (scaricabile anche su questo sito) previsto per gli studenti del CdS in ¿Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche (STP) relativo all’anno attuale del cors.
4) paretecipare a tutti i lavori di gruppo, i quiz, e la prova scritta.
Gli studenti provenienti da altri corsi di laurea che desiderano sostenere Psicologia generale come Esame a scelta dello studente per ¿6¿ o ¿9¿ CFU devono concordare il programma d’esame e le sue modalita` personalmente con il prof. John Lawrence Dennis durante l’orario ricevimento studenti.