Nome del corso di laurea Scienze biotecnologiche mediche, veterinarie e forensi
Codice insegnamento A003041
Curriculum Veterinario
Docente responsabile Stefano Capomaccio
  • Stefano Capomaccio
  • 52 Ore - Stefano Capomaccio
Regolamento Coorte 2022
Erogato Erogato nel 2023/24
Attività Caratterizzante
Ambito Discipline veterinarie e riproduzione animale
Settore AGR/17
Anno 2
Periodo Secondo Semestre
Tipo insegnamento Opzionale (Optional)
Tipo attività Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Lingua insegnamento Inglese
Testi di riferimento Personal notes and Keynotes from the teacher available in Unistudium.
As optional reference material (student choice): Genomi 4 "T.A. Brown", Edises. 
Genetica Animale, Applicazioni Zootecniche e Veterinarie "G. Pagnacco" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. 
Obiettivi formativi The course will illustrate and review some concepts of molecular genetics and the main applications to animals of veterinary interest.
Prerequisiti Background on genetics and molecular genetics as well as in bioinformatics are desirable but not mandatory.
Metodi didattici Lectures and laboratory exercises (WET and DRY LAB)
Altre informazioni
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento Evaluation is carried out through an oral exam. A typical exam consists in a 30 minutes interview aiming to assess knowledge level and understanding capabilities on theoretical and methodological contents acquired by the student. The oral exam will also test the student communication skills, lexical congruence and consistency when presenting enquired topics.
Programma esteso Genome organization and functioning: functional units in complex genomes, transcription and gene expression, mobile genetic elements, epigenetic signals;
Recombinant DNA: manipulation of genetic material, mapping (genetic and physical maps), molecular markers;
New data: Next generation sequencing, assembly of contiguous DNA sequences, interpretation of a genomic sequence; SNP chips and their applications. Genotyping by sequencing.
Genes controlling hereditary diseases and their molecular diagnosis (with special focus on how to).
Analysis of molecular data: biological databases, NGS sequence alignments, GWAS, primer design, selection signatures, analysis of populations with dense data as well as molecular testing in silico.
Great attention will be given to build bioinformatics knowledge to make the student independent in managing high-throughput data.
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