Elenco degli ultimi progetti UNIPG finanziati

REctenna in Millimeter-Wave frequency range for High-POWer Energy Reception
Acronimo: REMPOWER
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Valentina Palazzi

Brewers spent grain as main by-product for development of novel, high performance bio-based ploymers, polymer blends, and co-polymers
Acronimo: POLYMEER
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Assunta Marrocchi

Protect and promote Crop Wild Relatives
Acronimo: PRO-WILD
Call: HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Valeria Negri

Situation-aware OrchestratioN of AdapTive Architecture
Acronimo: SONATA
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Anna Laura Pisello

Enhancing palliative care in ICU
Acronimo: EPIC
Responsabile: Prof. Edoardo De Robertis

Bridging the Gaps in Evidence, Regulation and Impact of Anticorruption Policies
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Rita Marchetti

Valorising and balancing the ecosystem service benefits offered by legumes, and legume-based cropped systems
Acronimo: Legumes
Call: HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Valeria Negri

Real-world implementation, deployment and validation of early detection tools and lifestyle enhancement
Acronimo: AD-RIDDLE
Call: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-single-stage
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Patrizia Mecocci

Re-envisioning risk biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) at single-cell level
Acronimo: reMARK-AML
Call: ERC-2023-POC
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Maria Paola Martelli

OLIve tree for Verified Emission Reduction generation
Responsabile: Prof. Primo Proietti

A Comprehensive Translational Research and Training Pipeline Harnessing Lipid Metabolism to Improve Prostate Cancer Management and Educate Young Researchers in Tackling Complex Disease
Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Maura Marinozzi

Natural microbial interactions in winemaking-associated ecosystems as a tool to foster wine innovation
Acronimo: Eco2Wine
Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01
Responsabile: Prof. Gianluigi Cardinali

Versatile FUran-based polymeRs for strIct and high value applicatiOns in packaging, aUtomotive and underwater environmentS
Acronimo: FURIOUS
Responsabile: Prof. Debora Puglia

European ECOsystem for greeN Electronics
Acronimo: EECONE
Responsabile: Prof. Luca Roselli

Long Life Power Platforms for Internet of Things
Acronimo: LoLiPoP IoT
Responsabile: Prof. Aldo Romani

Breaking oncometabolites dynamics for next-generation dendritic cells tumor immunotherapy
Acronimo: REACT-DC
Call: ERC-2022-STG
Responsabile: Prof. Marco Gargaro

OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy
Acronimo: OPEVA
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Valentina Palazzi

Novel health care strategies for melanoma in children, adolescents and young adults
Acronimo: MELCAYA
Responsabile: Prof. Mario Mandalà

Controlling spin properties of molecules with quantum fields: ab-initio methodologies for spin polaritons
Acronimo: QED-Spin
Call: ERC-2021-STG
Responsabile: Prof. Enrico Ronca

Towards zero emissions in European ferrous foundries using inorganic binder systems
Call: LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV
Responsabile: Prof. Stefano Saetta

Multi-sensory solutions for increasing human-building resilience in face of climate change
Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Anna Laura Pisello

Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe
Acronimo: WeLaR
Responsabile: Prof. Cristiano Perugini

Running in the FAMILY - Understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness
Acronimo: FAMILY
Responsabile: Prof. Andrea Raballo

The new generation of scalable urban HEat isLand mitigatIOn by means of adaptive photoluminescent radiative cooling Skins
Acronimo: HELIOS
Call: ERC-2021-STG
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Anna Laura Pisello

Mothers for others
Acronimo: MoTORS
Call: H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Ursula Grohmann

A multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blinded phase IIb clinical trial of a new Regenerative ErythroPOietin-containing formulation for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in ageing adults
Acronimo: REPO
Call: H2020-SC1-2017-Single-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof. Carlo Riccardi

A multidimensional, high-throughput and integrative approach to improve molecular characterization, diagnostic accuracy and classification of rare movement disorders
Call: H2020-SC1-2017-Single-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof. Paolo Calabresi 

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and innovative immune cell therapies to attack leukemia and restore bone marrow function while preventing concomitant tissue damage
Acronimo: CELLNEXT
Call: H2020-SC1-2017-Single-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof. Andrea Velardi

Personalised therapy in ovarian cancer: patients selection/un-selection for antiangiogenic drugs therapy
Acronimo: Aid-OC
Call: H2020-SC1-2017-Two-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof. Gabriele Cruciani

Biomarker and AI-supported FX06 therapy to prevent progression from mild and moderate to severe stages of COVID-19
Acronimo: COVend 
Responsabile: Prof. Edoardo De Robertis

Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System
Acronimo: StoRIES
Call: H2020-LC-GD-2020-6
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Linda Barelli

Hodgkin Lymphoma: Insights from genomic studies of mutations in coding and non-coding regions
Acronimo: HodgkINsights
Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2020
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Tasselli

Depicting the impact of an invasive alien crop pest on local ecological networks
Acronimo: PESTNET
Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2020
Responsabile: Dott. Gabriele Rondoni

Pathways for transitions to sustainability in livestock husbandry and food systems
Acronimo: PATHWAYS
Call: H2020-FNR-2020-2
Responsabile: Prof. Pietro Goglio

INnovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken meat, beef and dairy products’ QualiTies
Acronimo: INTAQT
Call: H2020-FNR-2020-2
Responsabile: Prof. Cesare Castellini

Diversion, Restorative and Mediation Procedures in PIF crimes
Acronimo: DRAMP
Call: HERCULE-LT-AG-2020
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Alessandra Lanciotti

Financial INformation exchange among Anti-money laundering National investigative authorities: towards a stronger Cooperation in a European legal framework
Acronimo: FINANCE
Call: HERCULE-LT-AG-2020
Responsabile: Prof. Vico Valentini

A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning
Acronimo: LETHE (λήθη)
Call: H2020-SC1-DTH-2020-1
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Patrizia MECOCCI 

Mechanisms of Apomictic Developments
Acronimo: MAD
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019
Responsabile: Prof. Emidio ALBERTINI

Administrative Prevention through Targeted Anti-corruption MODels for candidate countries
Acronimo: APTA-MOD
Call: HERCULE-LT-AG-2019
Responsabile: Prof. Enrico CARLONI

Host directed medicine in invasive fungal infection
Acronimo: HDM-FUN
Call: H2020-SC1-2019-Two-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Luigina ROMANI

Multi-omics Interdisciplinary Research Integration to Address DEmentia diagnosis
Acronimo: MIRIADE
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Lucilla PARNETTI

Costituzione della biobanca del microbiota intestinale e salivare umano: dalla disbiosi alla simbiosi
Acronimo: BIOMIS
Call: PON e FSC
Responsabile: Prof. Gianpaolo REBOLDI

Poultry and PIg Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare
Acronimo: PPILOW
Call: H2020-SFS-2018-2
Responsabile: Prof. Cesare CASTELLINI

AstroChemical Origins
Acronimo: ACO
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Nadia BALUCANI

Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications
Acronimo: TESLA
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018
Responsabile: Prof. Cristiano TOMASSONI

Sharing Researchers’ Passion for Evidences and Resilience
Acronimo: SHARPER
Call: H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018

MicroTher: Drug Discovery from the Microbiota
Acronimo: MicroTher
Call: ERC-2018-PoC
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Luigina ROMANI

Design, Manufacturing and Qualification up to TRL5 of Innovative Electro-Mechanical BRAKE actuation System for SAT Application
Acronimo: E-BRAKE
Call: H2020-CS2-CFP07-2017-02
Responsabile: Prof. Paolo VALIGI

Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century
Acronimo: IS_MIRRI21
Call: H2020-INFRADEV-2019-2
Responsabile: Prof. Pietro BUZZINI

Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting
Acronimo: GeoFit
Call: H2020-LCE-2017-RES-IA
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Anna Laura PISELLO

Climate value of urban trees
Call: LIFE-2018-Climate Action
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Flaminia VENTURA

Development and Validation of an Innovative Solar Compact Selective-Water-Sorbent-Based Heating System
Call: H2020-LCE-2017-RES-RIA-TwoStage
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Anna Laura PISELLO

European Infrastructure Powering the Internet of Things
Acronimo: EnABLES
Call: H2020-INFRAIA-2017-1-two-stage
Responsabile: Prof. Luca GAMMAITONI

How to best meet the needs of people with dementia with severe behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and cost-effective model
Acronimo: RECAGE
Call: H2020-SC1-2017-Single-Stage-RTD
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Patrizia MECOCCI

Commercialization of a first in class multiple sclerosis drug
Acronimo: DIDO-MS
Call: ERC-2017-PoC
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Ursula GROHMANN

Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources
Website: www.farmerspride.eu
Acronimo: Farmers Pride
Call: H2020-SFS-2017-1
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Valeria NEGRI

Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements
Acronimo: SAFERUP
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
Responsabile: Prof. Filippo UBERTINI

Improving therapy of NPM1-mutated AML
Acronimo: TREAT-NPM1-AML
Call: ERC-2016-ADG
Responsabile: Prof. Brunangelo FALINI

NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration
Acronimo: NEWS
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016
Responsabile: Prof. Massimiliano R. BARCHI

Biopolymers with advanced functionalities for building and automotive parts processed through additive manufacturing
Acronimo: BARBARA
Call: H2020-BBI-JTI-2016
Responsabile: Prof. Luigi TORRE

Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia
Acronimo: ContraNPM1AML
Call: ERC-2016-COG
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Maria Paola MARTELLI

Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Acronimo: NET-Tools
Call: H2020-JTI-FCH-2016-1
Responsabile: Dott. Giovanni CINTI

MW Fuel Cell micro grid and district heating at King’s Cross
Acronimo: ELECTROU
Call: H2020-JTI-FCH-2016-1
Responsabile: Dott. Giovanni CINTI

Art/culture/economy to democratize society
Acronimo: trans-making
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016
Responsabile: Dott. Roberto CIPPITANI

HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making
Acronimo: HarmonicSS
Call: H2020-SC1-2016-RTD
Responsabile: Prof. Roberto GERLI

Open transPREcision COMPuting
Acronimo: OPRECOMP
Call: FETPROACT-2016
Responsabile: Prof. Luca GAMMAITONI

H-CCAT Solid Catalysts for activation of aromatic C-H bonds
Acronimo: H-CCAT
Call: H2020-NMBP-2016-two-stage
Responsabile: Prof. Luigi VACCARO

NDTonAIR: Training Network in Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft structures
Acronimo: NDTonAIR
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016
Responsabile: Dott. Marco RICCI

Multichannel Investigation of Solar Modulation Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays
Acronimo: MAtISSE
Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Bruna BERTUCCI

HEritage Resilience Against CLimate Events on Site
Acronimo: HERACLES
Call: H2020-DRS-2015
Responsabile: Prof. Filippo UBERTINI

Rights and Science
Call: H2020-DRS-2015
Responsabile: Dott. Roberto CIPPITANI

Sexual Plant Reproduction – Seed formation
Acronimo: SexSeed
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015
Responsabile: Prof. Emidio ALBERTINI

Geospatial based Environment for Optimisation Systems Addressing Fire Emergencies
Acronimo: GEO-SAFE
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015
Responsabile: Prof. Alfredo NAVARRA

Impact of invasive alien true bug species in native tropich webs
Acronimo: INVASIoN
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015
Responsabile: Prof. Eric CONTI

Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil
Acronimo: OLEUM
Call: H2020-SFS-2014-2
Responsabile: Prof. Maurizio SERVILI

Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology
Acronimo: ZERO-PLUS
Call: H2020-EE-2015-1-PPP
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Anna Laura PISELLO

Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
Acronimo: AHEAD
Call: H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Bruna BERTUCCI

Coordinating European Research on Molecular Communications
Acronimo: CIRCLE
Call: H2020-FETOPEN-2014-CSA
Responsabile: Prof. Paolo GRESELE

Tailored Elastin-like Recombinamers as Advanced Systems for Cell Therapies in Diabetes Mellitus: a Synthetic Biology Approach towards a Bioeffective and Immunoisolated Biosimilar Islet/Cell Niche
Call: H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage
Responsabile: Prof. Riccardo CALAFIORE

PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES
Acronimo: INPATH-TES
Call: H2020-LCE-2014-2
Responsabile: Dott.ssa Anna Laura PISELLO

Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage
Acronimo: IPERION CH
Call: H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015
Responsabile: Prof. Brunetto BRUNETTI

AdaPtive micROfluidic- and nano-enabled smart systems for waTEr qUality Sensing
Acronimo: PROTEUS
Call: H2020-ICT-2014-1
Responsabile: Dott. Francesco COTTONE

Monitor population immunity against vaccine preventable diseases
Acronimo: Vaccinesurvey
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Roberta SPACCAPELO

A persuasive system supporting Memory and Moments of people with Early and Middle stage of dementia
Acronimo: MEMENTO
Call: AAL 2016 Program Aging Well in the Digital World
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Patrizia MECOCCI 

Harnessing Plant Reproduction for Crop Improvement
Acronimo: PROCROP
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
Responsabile: Prof. Emidio ALBERTINI

Bioresources For Oliviculture
Acronimo: BeFOre
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
Responsabile: Dott. Roberto CIPPITANI

Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Acronimo: TCCM
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014
Responsabile: Prof. Antonio LAGANÀ


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